Table 4.
Characteristics of patients who met only FRAX* criteria of the NOF guidelines, osteoporosis by BMD† of the WHO
Values are expressed as Median (Interquartile range) or number of participants (percent) in the category listed. *Candidates were defined as patients with osteoporosis by BMD criteria of the WHO. See materials and methods for the definition of osteoporosis by BMD criteria of the WHO; †10-yr probability of ≥20% for major osteoporotic fracture or ≥3% for hip fracture; ‡Exposure to oral glucocorticoid was defined as use of oral glucocorticoid for more than 3months at a dose of prednisolone of 5mg daily or more (or equivalent doses of other glucocorticoid). FRAX, fracture risk assessment tool; NOF, National Osteoporosis Foundation; BMD, bone mineral density; WHO, World Health Organization.