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. 2014 Jun 20;8(6):BC08–BC11. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/7859.4438


Comparison of markers ofatherosclerosis measured by oscillometricmethods across four studygroups(expressed as median, minimum and maximum)

Parameter Group A-I (n= 55) Group A-II (n=28) Group B-I (n= 31) Group B-II (n=30) Overall p-value (Post-hoc p-value after Bonferroni’s Correction)
Vascular age years 71 (40, 90) 57.5 (36, 90) 61 (39, 90) 50 (30, 90) 0.005 (a: 0.01, c: 0.001)
Pulse pressure mmHg 64 (43,113) 59 (42, 93) 66 (43,96) 55.5 (37, 76) 0.005 (c: 0.001, f: 0.001)
PWV Right brachial-ankle- cm/s 1505 (-1810,5562) 1332 (-1400,24145) 1387 (-1863, 2764) 1286 (950, 12479) 0.02 (a: 0.04, b: 0.03, c: 0.004)
Left brachial-ankle -cm/s 1686 (-7378, 6617) 1335 (-44431,55295) 1522 (1155, 4224) 1301 (-13792, 5683) 0.007 (a: 0.004, c: 0.01)
Carotid-femoral PWV -cm/s 1105 (113, 24567) 953 (660, 24868) 1019 (714, 2466) 857 (483, 10165) 0.03 (c: 0.006)
ASI Right brachial ASI -mmHg 31.6 (14, 62.6) 28 (-52, 1052) 28 (13.6, 55.3) 25.3 (-14.8, 40.4) 0.01 (c: 0.001, f: 0.03)
Left brachial ASI -mmHg 30.8 (3.6, 73.8) 29.2 (-35.6, 47) 30.2 (15.6, 53.2) 27 (12, 42) 0.04 (c: 0.01, f: 0.05)
Right ankle ASI -mmHg 41.6 (19.8, 83.4) 33.2 (0, 74) 37.4 (27, 61.8) 36.9 (20.2, 56.2) 0.007 (a: 0.005, d: 0.03)
Left ankle ASI -mmHg 47.8 (20.8, 77.2) 32.7 (0, 70.6) 38.8 (24.4, 57.8) 36 (16.6, 50) <0.001 (a: 0.001,b: 0.01, c: < 0.001, d: 0.01)
ABI Right ABI 1.11 (0.84, 1.26) 1.1 (0.84, 23.8) 1.11 (0.88, 1.56) 1.11 (0.82, 1.2) 0.86
Left ABI 1.11 (0.98, 1.31) 1.09 (0.91, 1.27) 1.11 (0.9, 1.26) 1.1 (0.78, 1.22) 0.62
Aortic pulse pressure-mmHg 46 (26, 106) 41 (24, 110) 44 (25, 75) 36 (19, 63) 0.002 (c: 0.00, f: 0.005)
Augmentation index % 28 (7, 60) 22 (2, 60) 25 (7, 52) 17.5 (-6, 99) 0.003 (a: 0.01, c: 0.001, f: 0.03)

PWV- pulse wave velocity, ASI- arterial stiffness index, ABI- ankle brachial index

a: Patients with diabetes mellitus (>5 years) along with hypertension vs newly diagnosed patients with DM without hypertension

b: Patients with diabetes mellitus (>5 years) along with hypertension vs patients with hypertension

c: Patients with diabetes mellitus (>5 years) along with hypertension vs healthy controls

d: Newly diagnosed patients with DM without hypertension vs patients with hypertension

e: Newly diagnosed patients with DM without hypertension vs healthy controls

f: Patients with hypertension vs healthy controls