(A) Typical simulation of tethered linker-conjugated fluorophores. A snapshot of a particular configuration of water molecules and ions (0.2 M NaCl; Na+ in gray, Cl− in yellow) is superimposed on the donor (green) and acceptor (red) positions integrated over the course of a 40-ns trajectory. Values of the tethering distance, d, were varied from 2 nm to 7.3 nm (shown). (B) Dependence of <κ2(t)>T on d for MD simulations in aqueous and glycerol/water solvent systems; the continuous curve is merely a guide for the eye. Note that <κ2(t)>T assumes the isotropic value of 2/3 for all but the smallest value of d (2.0 nm). (One column, 3.25″ W × 3.10″ H.) To see this figure in color, go online.