Figure 3.
(a) The protrusive force Fa(h) (solid line, and see Eq. 1) in a cylindrical protrusion has the same dependence on height h as the polymerization rate A(h) (inset). (Dotted line) Restoring force due to the myosin motors Fma ∝ h (Eq. 6); (dashed line) constant restoring force of the membrane Fmd (Eq. 4). The stable (unstable) steady-state solutions (solid (shaded) circles). Note that the restoring force of the membrane does not provide a stable solution in this case. (b) The steady-state height of the cylindrical protrusion as a function of the tip complex radius Rtip or the cytoplasm viscosity γc (Eq. 10). The two line types (solid and dashed) correspond to two different functions of A(h), as shown (see inset).