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. 2014 Aug;69(8):515–523. doi: 10.6061/clinics/2014(08)03

Table 2.

Literature review for breast hamartoma.

Author and year Age, gender Clinical findings Size (cm) US (n) MMG (n) MRI (n) FNAC (n) Pathologic findings (n) Additional staining Recurrence
Nasit et al., 2012 (7) 45, F Lump 9 NR Well-circumscribed, dense mass NR Few mammary lobules and ducts, with a fibrous stroma Myoid hamartoma Vimentin +, SMA +, Desmin +, ER, PR +Cytokeratin -, S-100 - CD34 - No (one-year follow-up)
Mizuta et al., 2012 (8) 38, F Lump 2.8 Well-demarcated, hypoechoic lesion with slightly irregular margins Well-demarcated, oval, isodense mass that was partly indistinct (BI-RADS-4) Well-circumscribed mass with high signal intensity, showing strong enhancement and a microlobulated margin. Dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging demonstrated rapid enhancement of the mass Fibroadenoma with focal mastopathic change Myoid hamartoma SMA +, Vimentin +, Desmin + Cytokeratin -, S-100 - NR
Kai et al., 2012 (9) 70, F Lump 3.2 Irregular hypoechoic tumor both within and external to hamartoma Typical hamartoma Suspected malignancy NR HamartomaDCISIDC NR NR
Uchôa et al., 2010 (10) 59, F Lump 2.5 NR NR NR NR NR Vimentin +, Desmin +, CD34 + Calponin +, bcl-2 +,SMA -Actin -,S-100 -,CD99 -,CD10 - NR
Choi et al., 2010 (11) 72, F Lump 9 Spiculated, non-parallel hypoechoic nodule within hamartoma Typical hamartoma with focal asymmetry Suspected malignancy NR HamartomaIDC NR No (2-year follow-up)
Ko et al.,2010 (12) 43, F Lump 2.5 Irregular isoechoic mass with a microlobulated margin Two oval isodense masses with a partially obscured margins in the left subareolar area Suspected malignancy Mammary lobules, ducts, and stromaNo malignant component Myoid hamartoma Vimentin +, SMA +,CD34 +,S-100 - Recurrence in the first year
Gupta et al., 2010 (13) 13, M Lump 10 Solid heterogeneous mass with internal echogenic zones NR NR Non-diagnostic Hamartoma NR No (14-month follow-up)
Kajo et al., 2010 (14) 46, F Lump 17 NR NR NR Fibroadenoma Myoid hamartoma Desmin +, SMA +,Caldesmon +,CD34 -,S-100 -,CD 10 - NR
Khoo et al., 2009 (15) 46, F Lump 9 Solid breast mass Dense, well-encapsulated mass with no calcifications NR Fibroadenoma Myoid hamartoma,chondroid differentiation Vimentin +,Myoglobin +, SMA + Desmin +,CD34 +,Cytokeratin -,S-100 - NR
Pervatikar et al., 2009 (16) 25, F Lump 15 NR NR NR Malignant HamartomaIDC No (one-year follow-up)
Lee WF et al., 2008 (17) 48, F Lump 4.5 NR Typical hamartoma NR NR Hamartoma NR NR
Hernanz et al., 2008 (18) 29, F Breast asymmetry 14 NR Well-circumscribed mass NR Core biopsy; hamartoma Hamartoma NR NR
Stafyla et al., 2007 (19) 60, F Lump 11.5 Solid mass Dense, well-defined mass NR NR Myoid hamartoma NR No (4-year follow-up)
Murat et al., 2007 (20) 42, F No complaints, MMG, US 5 Smooth-edged,solid mass lesion with heterogeneous echogenicity Smooth-edged, heterogeneous,oval opacity and surrounding radiolucency Mass lesion with heterogeneous intensity Core biopsy; hamartoma Hamartoma NR NR
Murugesan et al., 2006 (21) 45, F Breast pain, MMG, US 1.6 Irregular hypoechoic, lobulated, ill-defined borders Irregular, partly ill-defined lesion with no microcalcification NR Core biopsy; myoid hamartoma Myoid hamartoma SMA +,Desmin +, S-100 - NR
Borges da Silva et al., 2006 (22) 33, F Axillary mass 10 Compatible with the diagnosis of a voluminous nodule NP NP NP Hamartoma NP No (2-year follow-up)
Ruiz-Tovar et al., 2006 (23) 43.2 (mean), F, 8 cases Lump (all) 7.25 (mean) Heterogeneous mass with hypoechogenic areas inside (2) Well-circumscribed masses combining radiolucent and dense areas (all) NR Benign (5)Core biopsy;hamartoma (1)Incisional biopsy; hamartoma (1) Hamartoma (all) NR Recurrence in 1 patient (after 6 months)
Kuroda et al., 2006 (24) 57, F Bilateral axillary lump 3.5, 3.3 NP NP NP NP Bilateral hamartoma NP NP
Breucq et al., 2005 (25) 42, F Lump 2 Well-circumscribed, oval heterogeneous nodule Denser aspect NP NR Myoid hamartoma,LCIS NR NR
Barbaros et al., 2005 (26) 36, F Lump 15 Fibroadenolipoma Fibroadenolipoma NR NR Hamartoma NR NR
Gatti et al., 2005 (27) 43, F Lump 4.5 Oval shape, well-circumscribed margins and internal echogenicity No sign of disease NR NR Hamartoma NR NR
Giannotti Filho et al., 2004 (28) 51 (mean), F, 3 cases Lump 1.3 (mean) NR Well-circumscribed lump NR NR Myoid hamartoma SMA +, Vimentin +, Desmin +, S-100 - NR
Lee et al., 2003 (29) 66.5 (mean), F, 2 cases Axillary mass (1)MMG (1) 5.5 (mean) Well-defined hypoechoic nodule within hamartoma (1)NP (1) Typical hamartoma NR Malignant (1)NP (1) Hamartoma, DCIS, IDC (1)Hamartoma, IDC (1) NR No (6-month follow-up) (1)No (5-year follow-up) (1)
Baron et al., 2003 (30) 54 Lump 5 NR Well-circumscribed, oval, mixed fatty and fibroglandular lesion NR Benign epithelial cells HamartomaILC High ERLow PR NR
Tse et al., 2002 (31) 50 (mean), F2 cases Lump 2 (mean) Well-defined lobulated mass (1)NP (1) NP NR NP (1)Cellular atypia (1) Hamartoma, DCIS (1)Hamartoma, DCIS, mucinous carcinoma (1) NR No (5-year follow-up) (1)No (4-year follow-up) (1)
Kuroda et al., 2002 (32) 53, F Lump 6 İsoechoic solid mass with capsule suspected to be a lipomatous tumor Circumscribed mass with a thin pseudocapsule, no microcalcification, and no spiculation NR NR Hamartoma, ILC Β-catenin - NR
Herbert et al., 2002 (33) 48 (mean)F, 24 cases Lump (all) 2-5 (range) NR NR NR NR HamartomaFocal apocrine metaplasia (in a few cases)Pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia (7) NR NR
Tse et al., 2002 (34) 38 (mean)F, 24 cases Lump (23)Breast asymmetry (1) 3.8 (mean) Typical hamartoma (18) Mixed fibrous adipose tissueOvoid-rounded, well-circumscribed masses of mixed heterogeneous density with a mottled center and thin smooth capsules with peripheral radiolucent zones Typical hamartoma (4)Well capsulated, with a dark smooth rim; ovoid in shape, with internal heterogeneity and heterogeneous gadolinium enhancement Hamartoma (11)Non-diagnostic (3)Benign (7)More cellular (4) HamartomaPseudoangiomatous changes (8)Mild epithelial hyperplasia (10)Cystic changes (8)Apocrine metaplasia (4)Adenosis (1)DCIS (3)Stromal hyalinization (3) NR Recurrence in 1 patient (after 10 months)
Ravakhah et al., 2001 (35) 36, M Lump 3 NR NR NR Non-diagnostic Myoid Hamartoma NR NR
Weinzweig et al., 2001 (36) 15, F Breast asymmetry 27 Mixed echogenic pattern NR NR NR Hamartoma (lobular proliferation) NR NR
Wahner-Roedler et al., 2001 (37) 50 (mean), F, 35 cases Lump (18)MMG (18) 3.2 (mean) Solid hypoechoic lesion (12)Solid hypoechoic with definite cystic areas (5) Irregular margin (1)Indistinct margin (4)Water density (21)Mixed density (2) NR Core biopsy; benign (3) Hamartoma (all)Calcifications (4)Ductal hyperplasia (9) NR NR
Takeuchi et al., 2001 (38) 74, F Lump 1.8 Oval-shaped hypoechoic mass with slightly irregular margin Well marginated and oval-shaped isodense nodule with no microcalcification NR NR Myoid hamartoma SMA +,S-100 -, Myoglobin -, Keratin -, Vimentin - NR
Mester et al., 2000 (39) 59, F Lump 7 NR Circumscribed, predominantly fatty mass. Multiple macro- and microcalcifications were contained in the mass NR Nondiagnostic HamartomaDCIS NR NR
Chiacchio et al., 1999 (40) 40.4 (mean)F, 10 cases Lump 5.4 (mean) NR Nodular densities NR NR HamartomaPseudoangiomatous hyperplasia CK +,S-100 +,Vimentin + NR
Blomqvist et al., 1997 (41) 33.5 (mean), F, 2 cases Lump (1)Breast asymmetry (1) NR NP NP NP Benign hamartoma (1)Benign (1) Hamartoma NP NR
Anani et al., 1996 (42) 65.5 (mean), F, 2 cases Lump, skin ulcer (1)Lump (1) 6 (mean) Hypoechoic absorbing lesion suggestive of carcinoma (1) Typical hamartoma with irregular opacity containing microcalcifications (1)Typical hamartoma with spiculated mass (1) NR NR HamartomaIDC (all) NR NR
Garfein et al., 1996 (43) 50-59 (range), F, 6 cases Lump (3)MMG (3) 1.1-7 (range) Solid lesion (4) Well-circumscribed lesion (1)Heterogeneous radiodensity (4)Homogeneously radiodense (1)Slightly irregular border (1) NR Nondiagnostic (1) Myoid Hamartoma Actin +,Desmin +,Vimentin +,Cytokeratin -, S-100 + No (follow-up of 2-19 months)
This study 41.8 (mean), F, 27 cases Lump (24)Breast asymmetry (3) 3.9 (mean) Well-circumscribed, oval heterogeneous nodule (23)Slightly irregular margin(4) Typical hamartoma (5)Malignant lesion (1) Malignancy (1) Benign (4) Hamartoma (26)Myoid hamartoma (1)IDC (1)LCIS (1) SMA + (1),Desmin + (1), CD34 + (1) No recurrence to date

F: female, M: male, NR: not reported, NP: not performed, SMA: smooth muscle actin, ER: estrogen receptor, PR: progesterone receptor, DCIS: ductal carcinoma in situ, LCIS: lobular carcinoma in situ, IDC: invasive ductal carcinoma, ILC: invasive lobular carcinoma.