Table 2.
Literature review for breast hamartoma.
Author and year | Age, gender | Clinical findings | Size (cm) | US (n) | MMG (n) | MRI (n) | FNAC (n) | Pathologic findings (n) | Additional staining | Recurrence |
Nasit et al., 2012 (7) | 45, F | Lump | 9 | NR | Well-circumscribed, dense mass | NR | Few mammary lobules and ducts, with a fibrous stroma | Myoid hamartoma | Vimentin +, SMA +, Desmin +, ER, PR +Cytokeratin -, S-100 - CD34 - | No (one-year follow-up) |
Mizuta et al., 2012 (8) | 38, F | Lump | 2.8 | Well-demarcated, hypoechoic lesion with slightly irregular margins | Well-demarcated, oval, isodense mass that was partly indistinct (BI-RADS-4) | Well-circumscribed mass with high signal intensity, showing strong enhancement and a microlobulated margin. Dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging demonstrated rapid enhancement of the mass | Fibroadenoma with focal mastopathic change | Myoid hamartoma | SMA +, Vimentin +, Desmin + Cytokeratin -, S-100 - | NR |
Kai et al., 2012 (9) | 70, F | Lump | 3.2 | Irregular hypoechoic tumor both within and external to hamartoma | Typical hamartoma | Suspected malignancy | NR | HamartomaDCISIDC | NR | NR |
Uchôa et al., 2010 (10) | 59, F | Lump | 2.5 | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | Vimentin +, Desmin +, CD34 + Calponin +, bcl-2 +,SMA -Actin -,S-100 -,CD99 -,CD10 - | NR |
Choi et al., 2010 (11) | 72, F | Lump | 9 | Spiculated, non-parallel hypoechoic nodule within hamartoma | Typical hamartoma with focal asymmetry | Suspected malignancy | NR | HamartomaIDC | NR | No (2-year follow-up) |
Ko et al.,2010 (12) | 43, F | Lump | 2.5 | Irregular isoechoic mass with a microlobulated margin | Two oval isodense masses with a partially obscured margins in the left subareolar area | Suspected malignancy | Mammary lobules, ducts, and stromaNo malignant component | Myoid hamartoma | Vimentin +, SMA +,CD34 +,S-100 - | Recurrence in the first year |
Gupta et al., 2010 (13) | 13, M | Lump | 10 | Solid heterogeneous mass with internal echogenic zones | NR | NR | Non-diagnostic | Hamartoma | NR | No (14-month follow-up) |
Kajo et al., 2010 (14) | 46, F | Lump | 17 | NR | NR | NR | Fibroadenoma | Myoid hamartoma | Desmin +, SMA +,Caldesmon +,CD34 -,S-100 -,CD 10 - | NR |
Khoo et al., 2009 (15) | 46, F | Lump | 9 | Solid breast mass | Dense, well-encapsulated mass with no calcifications | NR | Fibroadenoma | Myoid hamartoma,chondroid differentiation | Vimentin +,Myoglobin +, SMA + Desmin +,CD34 +,Cytokeratin -,S-100 - | NR |
Pervatikar et al., 2009 (16) | 25, F | Lump | 15 | NR | NR | NR | Malignant | HamartomaIDC | No (one-year follow-up) | |
Lee WF et al., 2008 (17) | 48, F | Lump | 4.5 | NR | Typical hamartoma | NR | NR | Hamartoma | NR | NR |
Hernanz et al., 2008 (18) | 29, F | Breast asymmetry | 14 | NR | Well-circumscribed mass | NR | Core biopsy; hamartoma | Hamartoma | NR | NR |
Stafyla et al., 2007 (19) | 60, F | Lump | 11.5 | Solid mass | Dense, well-defined mass | NR | NR | Myoid hamartoma | NR | No (4-year follow-up) |
Murat et al., 2007 (20) | 42, F | No complaints, MMG, US | 5 | Smooth-edged,solid mass lesion with heterogeneous echogenicity | Smooth-edged, heterogeneous,oval opacity and surrounding radiolucency | Mass lesion with heterogeneous intensity | Core biopsy; hamartoma | Hamartoma | NR | NR |
Murugesan et al., 2006 (21) | 45, F | Breast pain, MMG, US | 1.6 | Irregular hypoechoic, lobulated, ill-defined borders | Irregular, partly ill-defined lesion with no microcalcification | NR | Core biopsy; myoid hamartoma | Myoid hamartoma | SMA +,Desmin +, S-100 - | NR |
Borges da Silva et al., 2006 (22) | 33, F | Axillary mass | 10 | Compatible with the diagnosis of a voluminous nodule | NP | NP | NP | Hamartoma | NP | No (2-year follow-up) |
Ruiz-Tovar et al., 2006 (23) | 43.2 (mean), F, 8 cases | Lump (all) | 7.25 (mean) | Heterogeneous mass with hypoechogenic areas inside (2) | Well-circumscribed masses combining radiolucent and dense areas (all) | NR | Benign (5)Core biopsy;hamartoma (1)Incisional biopsy; hamartoma (1) | Hamartoma (all) | NR | Recurrence in 1 patient (after 6 months) |
Kuroda et al., 2006 (24) | 57, F | Bilateral axillary lump | 3.5, 3.3 | NP | NP | NP | NP | Bilateral hamartoma | NP | NP |
Breucq et al., 2005 (25) | 42, F | Lump | 2 | Well-circumscribed, oval heterogeneous nodule | Denser aspect | NP | NR | Myoid hamartoma,LCIS | NR | NR |
Barbaros et al., 2005 (26) | 36, F | Lump | 15 | Fibroadenolipoma | Fibroadenolipoma | NR | NR | Hamartoma | NR | NR |
Gatti et al., 2005 (27) | 43, F | Lump | 4.5 | Oval shape, well-circumscribed margins and internal echogenicity | No sign of disease | NR | NR | Hamartoma | NR | NR |
Giannotti Filho et al., 2004 (28) | 51 (mean), F, 3 cases | Lump | 1.3 (mean) | NR | Well-circumscribed lump | NR | NR | Myoid hamartoma | SMA +, Vimentin +, Desmin +, S-100 - | NR |
Lee et al., 2003 (29) | 66.5 (mean), F, 2 cases | Axillary mass (1)MMG (1) | 5.5 (mean) | Well-defined hypoechoic nodule within hamartoma (1)NP (1) | Typical hamartoma | NR | Malignant (1)NP (1) | Hamartoma, DCIS, IDC (1)Hamartoma, IDC (1) | NR | No (6-month follow-up) (1)No (5-year follow-up) (1) |
Baron et al., 2003 (30) | 54 | Lump | 5 | NR | Well-circumscribed, oval, mixed fatty and fibroglandular lesion | NR | Benign epithelial cells | HamartomaILC | High ERLow PR | NR |
Tse et al., 2002 (31) | 50 (mean), F2 cases | Lump | 2 (mean) | Well-defined lobulated mass (1)NP (1) | NP | NR | NP (1)Cellular atypia (1) | Hamartoma, DCIS (1)Hamartoma, DCIS, mucinous carcinoma (1) | NR | No (5-year follow-up) (1)No (4-year follow-up) (1) |
Kuroda et al., 2002 (32) | 53, F | Lump | 6 | İsoechoic solid mass with capsule suspected to be a lipomatous tumor | Circumscribed mass with a thin pseudocapsule, no microcalcification, and no spiculation | NR | NR | Hamartoma, ILC | Β-catenin - | NR |
Herbert et al., 2002 (33) | 48 (mean)F, 24 cases | Lump (all) | 2-5 (range) | NR | NR | NR | NR | HamartomaFocal apocrine metaplasia (in a few cases)Pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia (7) | NR | NR |
Tse et al., 2002 (34) | 38 (mean)F, 24 cases | Lump (23)Breast asymmetry (1) | 3.8 (mean) | Typical hamartoma (18) | Mixed fibrous adipose tissueOvoid-rounded, well-circumscribed masses of mixed heterogeneous density with a mottled center and thin smooth capsules with peripheral radiolucent zones | Typical hamartoma (4)Well capsulated, with a dark smooth rim; ovoid in shape, with internal heterogeneity and heterogeneous gadolinium enhancement | Hamartoma (11)Non-diagnostic (3)Benign (7)More cellular (4) | HamartomaPseudoangiomatous changes (8)Mild epithelial hyperplasia (10)Cystic changes (8)Apocrine metaplasia (4)Adenosis (1)DCIS (3)Stromal hyalinization (3) | NR | Recurrence in 1 patient (after 10 months) |
Ravakhah et al., 2001 (35) | 36, M | Lump | 3 | NR | NR | NR | Non-diagnostic | Myoid Hamartoma | NR | NR |
Weinzweig et al., 2001 (36) | 15, F | Breast asymmetry | 27 | Mixed echogenic pattern | NR | NR | NR | Hamartoma (lobular proliferation) | NR | NR |
Wahner-Roedler et al., 2001 (37) | 50 (mean), F, 35 cases | Lump (18)MMG (18) | 3.2 (mean) | Solid hypoechoic lesion (12)Solid hypoechoic with definite cystic areas (5) | Irregular margin (1)Indistinct margin (4)Water density (21)Mixed density (2) | NR | Core biopsy; benign (3) | Hamartoma (all)Calcifications (4)Ductal hyperplasia (9) | NR | NR |
Takeuchi et al., 2001 (38) | 74, F | Lump | 1.8 | Oval-shaped hypoechoic mass with slightly irregular margin | Well marginated and oval-shaped isodense nodule with no microcalcification | NR | NR | Myoid hamartoma | SMA +,S-100 -, Myoglobin -, Keratin -, Vimentin - | NR |
Mester et al., 2000 (39) | 59, F | Lump | 7 | NR | Circumscribed, predominantly fatty mass. Multiple macro- and microcalcifications were contained in the mass | NR | Nondiagnostic | HamartomaDCIS | NR | NR |
Chiacchio et al., 1999 (40) | 40.4 (mean)F, 10 cases | Lump | 5.4 (mean) | NR | Nodular densities | NR | NR | HamartomaPseudoangiomatous hyperplasia | CK +,S-100 +,Vimentin + | NR |
Blomqvist et al., 1997 (41) | 33.5 (mean), F, 2 cases | Lump (1)Breast asymmetry (1) | NR | NP | NP | NP | Benign hamartoma (1)Benign (1) | Hamartoma | NP | NR |
Anani et al., 1996 (42) | 65.5 (mean), F, 2 cases | Lump, skin ulcer (1)Lump (1) | 6 (mean) | Hypoechoic absorbing lesion suggestive of carcinoma (1) | Typical hamartoma with irregular opacity containing microcalcifications (1)Typical hamartoma with spiculated mass (1) | NR | NR | HamartomaIDC (all) | NR | NR |
Garfein et al., 1996 (43) | 50-59 (range), F, 6 cases | Lump (3)MMG (3) | 1.1-7 (range) | Solid lesion (4) | Well-circumscribed lesion (1)Heterogeneous radiodensity (4)Homogeneously radiodense (1)Slightly irregular border (1) | NR | Nondiagnostic (1) | Myoid Hamartoma | Actin +,Desmin +,Vimentin +,Cytokeratin -, S-100 + | No (follow-up of 2-19 months) |
This study | 41.8 (mean), F, 27 cases | Lump (24)Breast asymmetry (3) | 3.9 (mean) | Well-circumscribed, oval heterogeneous nodule (23)Slightly irregular margin(4) | Typical hamartoma (5)Malignant lesion (1) | Malignancy (1) | Benign (4) | Hamartoma (26)Myoid hamartoma (1)IDC (1)LCIS (1) | SMA + (1),Desmin + (1), CD34 + (1) | No recurrence to date |
F: female, M: male, NR: not reported, NP: not performed, SMA: smooth muscle actin, ER: estrogen receptor, PR: progesterone receptor, DCIS: ductal carcinoma in situ, LCIS: lobular carcinoma in situ, IDC: invasive ductal carcinoma, ILC: invasive lobular carcinoma.