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. 2014 Aug 1;20(8):590–605. doi: 10.1089/acm.2013.0324

Table 4.

Therapeutic Outcomes of Randomized Controlled Trials on Auriculotherapy for Constipation

Study, year Outcome measure Main results Adverse events
Cai et al., 2011 1. Scores of constipation symptoms 2. Score of lifestyle 3. Use of laxatives 1. Significant improvement, p<0.05 E: pre-AT 16.10±3.24, post-AT 14.03±3.82 (p<0.05); C: pre-Rx 15.89±2.74, post-Rx 15.50±2.38 (p>0.05); E group had significant difference between follow-up period and pre-Rx (p<0.05) None
    2. No difference between E and C (p>0.05) but significant improvement in E and C within groups E: pre-Rx 15.35±2.16, post-Rx17.65±2.09 (p<0.05); C: pre-Rx 15.10±3.57, post-Rx 17.25±3.77 (p<0.05)  
    3. Significant difference, p<0.05; E: pre-Rx 48, post-Rx 22; C: pre-Rx 53 post-Rx 48  
Chen et al., 2012 Total effective rate No significant difference, p>0.05; E: 88.57% vs.; C: 75.76% NM
Chen et al., 2011 1. Effective rate 2. Defecation habit score: ease of defecation, feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation, straining, duration of defecation 1. E (excess: 42.0%, deficient: 31.0%) vs.; C: 0.0% at 30 d; E (excess: 74.2%, deficient: 79.3%) vs.; C: 0.0% at 60 d 2. Significant improvement at 60 d, p<0.001; E: 8.55±2.25 vs. C: 11.49±1.96; significant improvement within E group (p<0.001) NM
He and Pei, 2012 Total effective rate Significant difference, p<0.01; E: 95.65% vs. C: 69.05% NM
Hong and Shen, 2013 Total effective rate Significant difference, p<0.05; E: 93.3% vs. C: 70.0% NM
Ji et al., 2010 1. Total effective rate 2. Symptom score: defecation interval, stool consistency, straining, duration of defecation, abdominal distension condition, loss of appetite 3. Occurrence of adverse effects 4. Use of other auxiliary defecation method 1. Significant difference, p=0.00; E: 91.89% vs. C: 30.56% 2. Significant improvement in each symptom, p<0.05; significant improvement in E and C within groups (p<0.05) 3. No difference 4. E: None; C: 58. 3% (21/36) using other auxiliary defecation method E: 1 patient with excess syndrome had slight localized redness and damage of skin (cured in 2 d after sterilizing with Anerdian)
Li et al., 2012 1. Symptoms of constipation: PAC-SYM 2. Quality of life: PAC-QOL 3. Physical Activity Questionnaire 4. Bowel movement per week 5. Stool consistency 1. No significant group effects; time effects were significant in E group but not in C group 2. No significant group effects; time effects were significant in C group but not in E group 3. No mediating effects on outcome variables 4. Increased in E group but decreased in C group 5. 13 patients had softer stools after the intervention; E:6; C:7 7 patients with mild, tolerable, and short-term itchiness of the ears after adopting AT (n=7) E: 2 C: 5
Liu et al., 2009 Total effective rate Significant difference, p<0.01; E: 97.7% vs. C: 68.2% NM
Meng et al., 2011 1. Total effective rate 1. No difference (p>0.05); E: 100% vs. C: 100% NM
  2. Recurrence rate 2. At 1-mo follow-up, E: 100% vs. C: 92.9%; at 3-mo follow-up, E: 91.7% vs. C: 85.7%; at 6-mo follow-up, E: 91.7% vs. C: 71.4%  
Qian, 2012 Total effective rate Significant difference, p<0.05; E: 95.2% vs. C: 85.7% None
Wang et al., 2011 Total effective rate Significant difference, p<0.05’ E: 93.7% vs. C: 78.7% NM
Yin and Qin, 2012 Total effective rate Significant difference, p<0.01; E: 98.3% vs. C: 75.0% None
Zeng et al., 2012 1. Total effective rate 2. Number of bowel sounds/min 3. Frequency of defecation per week 4. Symptom score 1. No difference (p>0.05); E: 80.0% vs. C: 63.3% 2. Significant improvement, p=0.000; E: 4.37±0.67 vs. C: 3.33±0.66 3. E: 2.25±0.49 vs. C: 2.39±0.71; difference not reported 4. Difference between E and C not reported, significant improvement in E group; E: pre-AT 1.87±0.73 vs. post-AT 1.31±0.43 (p<0.05) None
Zhang et al., 2009 1. Total effective rate 2. Condition of abdominal distension and loss of appetite 3. Effects on renal function: BUN, creatinine and BUA 1. Significant difference, p<0.01; deficient: E: 96.7% vs. C: 70.0% (p<0.01); excess: E: 93.3% vs. C: 60.0% (p<0.01) 2. Significant difference in the symptom of anorexia, p<0.01; E: 64.3% vs. C: 40.4%; no difference in the symptom of abdominal distension (p>0.05); significant improvement in both symptoms in E and C within groups (p<0.01) 3. Excess: significant difference in BUN, p<0.05; E: 12.99±6.73 vs. C:17.55±8.91; no difference in BUA, creatinine, p>0.05; deficient: no difference in BUN, BUA, creatinine, p>0.05 E: 2 patients with excess type had slight skin redness and soreness in the ear points (cured after sterilizing with Anerdian)
Zhang and Yang, 2009 1. Total effective rate 2. First defecation time 3. Scores of constipation symptoms: first defecation time, defecation interval, duration of defecation, stool consistency, ease of defecation, awareness of defecation, concomitant symptoms 4. Effect of individual symptoms 1. No difference (p>0.05); E: 90% vs. C: 83.33% 2. Significant difference, p<0.05; E: 6.68±5.48 vs. C: 11.80±7.23 3. Significant improvement, p<0.01; E: 5.45±2.71 vs. C: 8.68±3.57; significant improvement in E and C within groups (p<0.01) 4. Significant difference between E and C in duration of defecation, stool consistency, awareness of defecation, ease of defecation (p<0.05); significant improvement in defecation interval, duration of defecation, stool consistency, ease of defecation, awareness of defecation in E and C within groups (p<0.01) None
Zhong and Zhang, 2007 1. Total effective rate 2. Effective rate after one treatment course 3. Defecation in 24 h 4. CTT 5. Scores of constipation symptoms: defecation interval, duration of defecation, stool consistency, ease of defecation, concomitant symptoms 1. Significant difference, p<0.05; E: 90% vs. C: 80% 2. No difference (p>0.05); E: 63.33% vs. C: 50% 3. No difference (p>0.05); E: 73.3% vs. C: 76.7% 4. No difference (p>0.05); E: 86.67% vs. C: 83.33% 5. Significant improvement in defecation interval, p<0.05; E: 0.3667±0.7184 vs. C: 0.7667±0.7739; significant improvement in concomitant symptoms, p<0.05; E: 0.4000±0.4624 vs. C: 0.7167±0.6783; no difference in duration of defecation, stool consistency, ease of defecation (p>0.05) None
Zhou et al., 2012 1. Total effective rate 1. Significant difference, p<0.05; E: 92.0% vs. C: 76.0% None
  2. Quality of life: PAC-QOL 2. Significant improvement, p<0.05; E: 56.3±17.8 vs. C: 70.1±19.0; significant improvement in E and C within groups (p<0.05)  

E, experimental group; C, control group; Rx, treatment; NM, not mentioned; PAC-SYM, Patient Assessment of Constipation–Symptom questionnaire; PAC-QOL, Patient Assessment of Constipation Quality of Life questionnaire; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; BUA, blood uric acid; CTT, colonic transit time.