Figure 1.
Sc65 is an ER-associated protein. A–F. Hela cells co-transfected with Sc65-myc (A–C) or empty vector (D–F) and an ER-GFP marker and then immunostained with anti-myc antibody (A, D). C and F show merged images of optical sections A–B and D–E, respectively. G–J and K–N. Representative images of human primary fibroblasts and MC3T3 cells stained with antibody against Sc65 and protein disulfide isomerase (a marker of the rER) or GM130 (a Golgi marker), respectively. O. Sc65 knock-down by lentiviral shRNA in OB6 osteoblastic cells demonstrating specificity of the Sc65 polyclonal antibody. Also note lack of Sc65 expression in Raw264.7 cells. P–R. Immunofluorescence on OB6 cells (P) and OB6 cells infected with Sc65 shRNA (Q) or GFP shRNA (R) showing specific down-regulation of Sc65 expression.