Fig. 1.
[3H]Cholesterol efflux mediated by unlabeled, pyr-apoE3 or apoE(201-299). A. J774 macrophages were labeled with [3H]cholesterol (1 μCi/mL) in RPMI-1640 with 1% FBS for 48 h. ABCA1 expression was up-regulated for 18 h with cpt-cAMP, followed by exposure to 10 μg/ml unlabeled or pyr-apoE3 in serum-free RPMI-1640 medium. The amount of [3]cholesterol appearing in the medium after 4 h was expressed as % of the radioactivity present in cells at time zero. A parallel experiment with no cpt-cAMP was conducted to assess efflux in the absence of ABCA1 up-regulation. Background release of [3H]cholesterol to serum-free medium was subtracted from values obtained with added proteins. Values are mean ± SD, n=3. B. Dose-dependent (5, 10 and 20 μg/ml) efflux for unlabeled apoE3 or pyr-apoE3. C. ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux promoted by apoE(201-299). All conditions employed were as described above except that the amount of [3]cholesterol appearing in the medium was followed 8 h after addition of 3 μg/ml apoE(201-299) as acceptor in the absence or presence of cpt-cAMP. Values are mean ± SD, n=3. D. Dose-dependent cholesterol efflux (0.1 – 10 μg/ml) promoted by apoE(201-299). Data shown are representative of 2 independent experiments.