Figure 1. M1442 and M280 drive lacZ expression in the developing limb.
(A) X-gal and Salmon-gal stained transgenic embryos. Numbers in the lower-left of panels indicate embryonic day. Panels bordered in red (A.a–h) correspond to H1442/M1442 data; panels bordered in gold (A.i–l) correspond to H280/M280 data. (A.a) E11.5 H1442 lacZ transgenic embryo (image from VEB, (Visel et al. 2007b). (A.b) E11.5 M1442-lacZ L2 embryo. (A.c) Closeup of left forelimb bud in (b). (A.d) Cross-section through E11.5 M1442-lacZ L2 limb bud showing lacZ expression in mesenchymal cells in the anterior and posterior limb bud margins. M1442-driven expression is strongest in the posterior limb, corresponding to the future location of digit V; scale bar is 50 μm. (A.e) E12.5 M1442-lacZ L2 embryo. (A.f) E13.5 M1442-lacZ L1 embryo. (A.g, h) Ventral view of E15.5 M1442-lacZ L1 forelimb and hindlimb, respectively.. (A.i) E11.5 H280 lacZ transgenic embryo (image from VEB, (Visel et al. 2007b). (A.j) E11.5 M280-lacZ L2 embryo. (A.k) Close-up of left forelimb bud in (j). (A.l) Cross-section through G0 E11.5 M280-lacZ limb bud showing lacZ expression in mesenchymal cells. M280-driven expression is strongest in the center of the forelimb bud, corresponding to the approximate future location of digit III; scale bar is 100 μm. Salmon-gal staining in A.j, k. Scale bars in (A.b–h, j, k) are 0.5 mm. (A.d, l) tissue from E11.5 embryos. (B) Orientation guide for cross-sections in D. D = dorsal; Ve = ventral. (C) Summary diagram of autopod elements that express lacZ in M1442-lacZ lines. Arabic numerals and associated vertical lines correspond to approximate plane of sections shown in D. Boxed Arabic numerals in D correspond to vertical lines in C. Color-coded autopod elements correspond to regions of positive lacZ signal in cross-sections shown in (D): light blue = anterior digit region; green = anterior carpal region; dark blue = posterior digit region; purple = anterior carpal region. Axes key: A = anterior; P = posterior; Di = distal; Pr = proximal. (D) Cross-sections through E15.5 M1442-lacZ L1 forelimb. Roman numerals indicate digit rays. Abbreviations: ce = centrate, fa = falciform carpal, lu = lunate, pi = pisiform, ra = radius, sc = scaphoid, td = trapezoid, tm = trapezium tq = triquetral, ul = ulna. Scale bars = 50 μm.