Figure 3. Comparison of newborn and adult M1442 and M280 null mice with control littermates.
(A–O) Adult female mice. (A–E) Controls. (F–J) M1442 −/−. (K–O) M280 −/−. (B, G, L) Dorsal and (C, H, M) ventral forelimbs. (D, I, N) Dorsal and (E, J, O) ventral hindlimbs. Scale bars in (A–E) = 9 mm. (P–U) Alizarin red and alcian blue stain for bone and cartilage in newborn pups. (P, Q) controls, (R, S) M1442 −/−. (T–U) M280 −/−. (P, R, T) forelimbs; (Q, S, U) hindlimbs. Scale bar in (P–U) = 1 mm. (V, Y) H&E stained planar sections through control E15.5 forelimb and hindlimb autopods, respectively. (W, Z) H&E stained planar sections through E15.5 1442tm1 −/− forelimb and hindlimb autopods, respectively. (X, AA) H&E stained planar sections through E15.5 280tm1 −/− forelimb and hindlimb autopods, respectively. ca, capitate; cl, calcaneus; cu, cuboid; dp, distal phalanx; ha, hamate; ic, intermediate cuneiform; ip, intermediate phalanx; lc, lateral cuneiform; mc, medial cuneiform; m, metacarpal; mt, metatarsal; na, navicular; pi, pisiform; pp, proximal phalanx; ra, radius; ta, talus; td, trapezoid; tq, triquetral; ul, ulna. Roman numerals correspond to digit rays. Images in (V-AA) are composites of serial sections through a single individual. Scale bars in (V-AA) = 100 μm.