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. 2014 Aug 14;20(30):10405–10418. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i30.10405

Table 2.

Core data, characterizing outcome of neoadjuvant chemoradiation and surgery, vs upfront surgery plus adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with resectable and/or borderline resectable pancreatic tumor

Ref. Patients included Inclusion periode Treatment algorithm Proportion not resected R0 status Frequency of vascular resection Median survival in months
Katz et al[63] 2008 160 1999-2006 Neo-adjuvant 59% 94% 27% 40
Nordby et al[84] 2013 135 2008-2010 Upfront surgery+ adjuvance 11% 42% 6% Na1
Neop-tolemos et al[76] 2010 1088 2000-2007 Upfront surgery+ adjuvance Only resected patients included 65% 17% 23
Schmidt et al[77] 2012 132 2004-2007 Upfront surgery+ adjuvance Only resected patients included 61% Na2 28

Na1: Too short follow up; Na2: Not given in the paper.