Figure 3.
A, Average ΔR/R0 in SI FL/HL area (green circles) and FC (blue squares) from 0 to 10 s of locomotion. The shaded area showed the SD from the mean across all animals. After Bonferroni correction, ΔR/R0 in SI FL/HL area was significantly <0 at all durations, while no ΔR/R0 in FC was significantly different from 0. B, Average APγ in SI FL/HL area (green circles) and FC (blue squares) across all animals from 0 to 10 s of locomotion. APγ in SI FL/HL area (N = 6) and FC (N = 10) was significantly >0 at all durations. C, Average normalized firing rate in SI FL/HL area (N = 6, green) and FC (N = 9, blue) within 2 s before and after locomotion initiation (black vertical line).