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. 2014 Jul 15;29(9):1978–1986. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deu152

Table III.

Oocyte and sperm donors’ perceived involvement with donor offspring at 2 months and 14 months post-donation.

  2 months post-donation
14 months post-donation
Oocyte donors
Sperm donors
Oocyte donors
Sperm donors
Involvement with offspring N = 141a % N = 93a % U P N = 125a % N = 80a % U P
If my donation did result in a child I would
 Think about the child 5093.0 0.145 4025.5 0.254
  Agree 56 40.0 45 48.9 44 35.5 36 45.6
  Neutral 24 17.1 11 12.0 16 12.9 14 17.7
  Disagree 52 37.1 31 33.7 57 46.0 26 32.9
  No opinion 8 5.7 5 5.4 7 5.6 3 3.8
 Like to know how the child fares in life 4388.5 0.002 3392.5 0.005
  Agree 36 25.7 38 41.3 24 19.4 33 42.3
  Neutral 16 11.4 15 16.3 25 20.2 15 19.2
  Disagree 82 58.6 33 35.9 66 53.2 29 37.2
  No opinion 6 4.3 6 6.5 9 7.3 1 1.3
 Feel responsible for the child if anything happened to his/her parents 3798.0 <0.0001 2265.0 0.003
  Agree 10 7.1 27 29.7 17 13.7 22 28.2
  Neutral 10 7.1 9 9.9 12 9.7 13 16.7
  Disagree 104 74.3 48 52.7 84 67.7 41 52.6
  No opinion 16 11.4 7 7.7 11 8.9 2 2.6
I welcome the possibility of being contacted by an offspring after 18 years 5856.0 0.889 4223.5 0.685
 Agree 85 60.7 58 63.0 69 55.6 52 65.8
 Neutral 28 20.0 22 23.9 30 24.2 11 13.9
 Disagree 20 14.3 9 9.8 16 12.9 13 16.5
 No opinion 7 5.0 3 3.3 9 7.3 3 3.8

The two positive and two negative response alternatives of the 5-point Likert scale were collapsed into ‘Agree’ versus ‘Disagree’. Comparisons between female and male donors were computed on the 5-point scale (excluding responses ‘No opinion’) with Mann–Whitney U-test.

aThere are missing data for one female and one male donor on all items at the 2 months and 14 months assessments; in addition, there are missing data for one male donor on one item (2 months post-donation) and two items (14 months post-donation).