Table 1. Hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions between ligand and PPAR-γ ligand binding domain (LBD).
Ligand | Hydrogen bondsa | Hydrophobic contactsb | Evdwc | Ecould | Emodele | Docking score |
PTER-ITC | HIS323 (3.10), TYR327(2.96) | ILE281 PHE282, CYS285, ILE326, LEU353, LEU356, PHE360, PHE363, MET364, HIS449, TYR473 | −43.4 | −6.7 | −53.4 | −8.46 |
PTER | TYR473 (2.87) | CYS285, SER289, PHE360, PHE363, HIS449, TYR479 | −21.4 | −1.8 | −30.5 | −6.78 |
Resveratrol | TYR473 (3.05) | PHE282, CYS285, SER289, PHE360, PHE363, TYR473 | −23.2 | −3.8 | −34.3 | −7.30 |
Average Van der Waals (Vdw), Electrostatic (Coul) and model energy (Emodel) of ligands after docking. The corresponding docking scores are also mentioned.
Bond length in Å is given under parentheses. bOnly strong hydrophobic contacts forming residues are depicted. cEvdw = Van Der Waals interaction energy. dEcoul = Coulomb interaction energy. eEmodel = Model energy.