Figure 2. FMDV-specific humoral response.
(A) Graphic timeline in the study from animal immunization to sera collection. (B) FMDV-specific IgG titers. Asterisks (*) indicate the values of pRC/CMV-VP1- and LASW1-treated group were statistically different than mice immunized with pRC/CMV-VP1 alone (P<0.05). (C) Effects of LASW1 on the level of FMDV-specific IgG isotypes. The levels of IgG isotypes were expressed as the optical density values at 450 nm (OD450) of mice sample. Asterisks (**) indicate that the values of pRC/CMV-VP1- and LASW1-treated group were statistically different from those of mice immunized with pRC/CMV-VP1 alone (P<0.01).