The requisition for a chest x-ray scan should include the presenting history, including signs and symptoms causing suspicion of lung cancer and whether risk factors (Box 1) exist
Within 1 week of being ordered, chest x-ray scans should be completed, reviewed, and reported on by the radiologist, and the report should be read by the ordering physician
If the chest x-ray findings raise suspicion of lung cancer, an alternate mechanism of informing the ordering physician should occur (eg, telephone call, flagging)
To expedite the diagnosis and avoid duplication of investigations, at a minimum provide the specialist consultant with the following information:
Patient’s history, including all risk factors and signs or symptoms causing suspicion of lung cancer
All pre-existing imaging results (all efforts should be made to provide these), including chest x-ray and CT scans (films and digital images should be available at the time of consultation)
All other relevant medical conditions and medications taken by the patient
All recent bloodwork results