Three possible pathways (β-Catenin, Rho and EGFR) are known to occur in the inner root of hair sheath. A dotted line arrow indicates TGF-α inter-linkage with EGFR pathway. The β-catenin together with Cadherins may activate HK genes and help in hair development [34]. Rho and EGFR pathways are linked with each other by functional activity of TGF-α which is directly involved in the activation of EGFR. Rho signaling cascade (GTP binding proteins) and EGFR proteins activate MEK/ERK which results in the development of hair follicle by regulating the downstream transcriptional activity [35], [36]. HK, hair keratins; G-Protein αβδ, GTP binding proteins; Gα-12/13, Subunit of GTP binding protein alpha; RhoA, Ras homolog gene family member A; ROCK, Rho associated protein kinase; PKC, Protein kinase C; Pro TGF, Protein transforming growth factor; EGFR, Epidermal growth factor receptor; SOS protein, son of seveless protein; GPR1, G-protein couple receptor 1; MEK, MAPK/ERK kinases; ERK, extracellular signal regulated kinases.