Figure 7.
Population spiking activity observed on error trials during auditory short-term memory task. Firing rates elicited by sample and test stimuli are depicted in the left and right panels, respectively. No significant differences in firing rate were observed for non-match error trials during pretrial baseline, the sample stimulus presentation period, or the retention interval. During the latter portion of the test stimulus period, firing rates on non-match error trials were significantly higher than on correct non-match trials (similar to match trials). During the cue offset and pre-response wait periods, firing rates on non-match error trials were intermediate between correct match and correct non-match trials. The blue and red bars below the firing rate histograms indicate significant differences between non-match error trials and correct non-match and match trials, respectively, (assessed with a 100-ms sliding window, advancing in 20-ms steps). Differences were only accepted if significant effects were obtained for two or more consecutive steps. The gray bars above the abscissae indicate the sample and test stimulus presentation periods (0–500 ms from cue onset) as a well as the onset of the response window (R.W.).