Heterogeneous dmin/hsr structure in GLC1DM/HSR cell lines. Partial metaphases showing FISH results obtained using the probes listed on the top. Each row refers to an amplicon population in GLC1DM (A) and GLC1HSR (B). The asterisk indicates hsr(4), mapping within a chromosome 4p joined to the 8q harboring hsr(8)b. (A) hsr at 8q21 [hsr(8)], shared by the two lines, showing the co-localization of all chromosomes 1q and 8q24 amplicons; DM1 containing only 8q24 amplifications; DM2 showing co-amplification of all 1q amplicons; DM3 with amplification of only 21q22.12 sequences; DM4 displaying the co-amplification of sequences found in DM1–2 dmin subgroups; DM5 with the co-localization of DM1–3 dmin amplified sequences together; (B) hsr(8) (see above in A); two hsr on 16q and 20q [hsr(16) and hsr(20), respectively], both positive for chromosome 1 sequences only (including alphoid DNA); a hsr within the long arm of one chromosome 4 [hsr(4)] (labeled with an asterisk), translocated, at its short arm, to a segment of chromosome 8q, harboring a second hsr [hsr(8)b]; a hsr within the short arm of one chromosome 1 [hsr(1)], showing co-localization of 1q (without alpha-satellite), 8q and 21q sequences; a hsr in 2q [hsr(2)], positive only for 8q24 probes; a hsr within the short arm of chromosome 3 [hsr(3)], with co-amplification of 1q24.2 and alphoid sequences.