KV261-HSA-34 did not show significant reduction of DTH response in minipigs. Yucatan minipigs were immunized with 5 mg of KLH/incomplete Freund's adjuvant per animal on day 0 and challenged 7 days later with KLH in dorsal skin at a range of doses. Immunized Yucatan minipigs were dosed with KV261-HSA-34, cyclosporine A, and vehicle control (n = 6 per treatment group) as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Unimmunized pigs (n = 2) were used as negative controls. Results were from readouts measured in duplicate and an average of n = 6 per treatment group ± S.E. and an average n = 2 ± S.E. for the unimmunized controls. a, no significant effect of KV261-HSA-34 (●) on induration relative to the vehicle control (■) 48 h after KLH challenge in the DTH model. Cyclosporine A (▴) reduced induration levels. KLH dorsal skin challenge doses are shown along the x axis. b, no significant reduction in anti KLH antibody titers in the KV261-HSA-34 treatment group relative to the vehicle control. Cyclosporine A reduced antibody titers down near the level of the unimmunized controls. c, no significant effect of KV261-HSA-34 (●) on challenge site inflammation relative to the vehicle control (■). Inflammation scores were determined by pathologist scoring of challenge site biopsy sections stained with H&E. Cyclosporine A (▴) reduced inflammation scores. KLH dorsal skin challenge doses are shown along the x-axis. d, KV261-HSA-34 and cyclosporine A significantly (**, p = 0.0034) reduced draining lymph node cell numbers relative to the vehicle control after KLH challenge in the DTH model.