Differential BOLD effects to CS+ and CS− as a result of conditioning. A: SPM{T}-maps displaying significantly increased activation to CS+ compared to CS− during the second session. No suprathreshold voxel was observed in the reversed contrast. Bar graphs of contrast estimates (±standard error of the mean) are plotted for selected peak voxels of the corresponding cluster (paracentral lobule: [3–26 72], supplementary motor area (SMA): [−8 –5 71], medial prefrontal cortex (PFC): [3 2 54], precuneus: [2–26 72], middle cingulate cortex (MCC): [0 2 39], superior temporal gyrus (STG): [68–47 15], frontal operculum: [54 21–2], middle frontal gyrus (MFG): [29 45 32], posterior cingulate cortex (PCC): [3–36 29], anterior MCC (aMCC): [8 23 29]). x-, y-, and z-coordinates are referenced to MNI space. B: bar graphs displaying mean percent signal change (±standard error of the mean) in the left amygdala and right primary olfactory cortex (POC) in response to CS+ and CS− in the first and second session. *pcorr < .05.