a, MODE-K pSTAT3 after CD1d-crosslinking (1B1 monoclonal antibody clone) or iNKT (24.7 hybridoma) co-culture. b, Colonic pSTAT3 immunohistochemistry 5 days after rectal oxazolone (Ox.) or ethanol (EtOH). Scale bar, 50 μm. c, pSTAT3 in purified small intestinal IECs from the indicated bone marrow chimaeras (IECs from one mouse per lane). d–f, Cd1d1, Hsph1 and Il10 (qPCR) in MODE-K cells after treatment with recombinant HSP110 (e) or Stat3/ control siRNA knockdown (d, f) followed by viral transduction at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 5 (f). g, Il10, Hsph1 and Tgfb in purified IECs (qPCR) 6 h after rectal oxazolone in the presence or absence of viral infection. The fold change compared to oxazolone-treated Cd1d1+/+ mice without virus is indicated. h, Western blot of IECs 24 h after rectal oxazolone. i, Western blot of purified CD11b+ lamina propria cells 5 days after rectal oxazolone. j–l, Survival (j, left), body weight (j, right), histopathology (k) and cytokine secretion by colon explants (ELISA; l) of the indicated oxazolone-challenged mice with or without viral infection and antibody treatment as indicated. Results representative of three independent experiments are shown. Means ±s.e.m. of the indicated number of mice or triplicate cultures (d–f) are indicated. Student’s t-test or log-rank test (survival) were applied. NS, not significant.