Figure 3. Microscopy, lipids and nifHDK expression in Anabaena mutant strains.
Filaments from bubbled, ammonium-supplemented cultures of the indicated strains were washed three times with BG110 medium, resuspended in BG110 medium and incubated under the same culture conditions for the times indicated in h. (A) Samples taken at 24 h were stained with Alcian Blue prior to being photographed under a light microscope. (B) Lipids (GI and GIII are heterocyst envelope glycolipids) were isolated and separated by TLC. (C) Total RNA was isolated and used in northern blot analysis with a probe of the nifH gene or, as a loading and transfer control, the rnpB gene. A size standard is indicated at the left and the observed transcripts at the right.