Figure 5. Proliferation and homing receptor expression on tumor specific T cells after DC vaccination via different injection routes.
Time axis for experimental set up (a). 1.5×106 Thy1.1+ P14 splenocytes were adoptively transferred i.v. into C57BL/6 (Thy1.2+) mice. One day later 3×106 DC-GP33 or DC-Av were injected (i) i.c. or (ii) i.p. On day 8 after P14 transfer mice were sacrificed and cells from the spleen (b & d) and blood (c) were analyzed. Mean population size of CD3+CD8+Thy1.1+ cells from spleen are depicted (b) significant difference was calculated using an unpaired t-Test after i.c. or i.p. DC-GP33 vaccination route. N = 6 mice, error bars: SEM. One representative analysis of homing receptor expression on Thy1.1+ T cells in the blood after DC-GP33 vaccination via the i.c. or the i.p. route is shown. Homing receptors are specified below each panel (c). Numbers in dot blots indicate % of positive cells. Skin homing receptor E-lig expression was measured via FACS analysis in the spleen after DC-GP33 vaccination via the i.c. or the i.p. route (d). Mean E-lig expression level of CD3+CD8+Thy1.1+ cells are depicted from n = 3 mice. Three mice were included in every group per experiment, two (b & d) and three (c) independent experiments were performed.