Figure 2. Analysis of selected clones.
a) Distribution of the β-hexosaminidase release measured on 126 stable clones isolated from the last round of the plasmid selection. The distribution profile does not fit a normal distribution (p = 0.027 using Jarque-Bera Normality Test) and is skewed to the left (p = 0.009 using Agostino's skewness test [53]). The blue curve is the sum of the two normal distributions plotted in magenta and green and was fitted to the distribution. b) Distribution of the β-hexosaminidase release measured on 48 retroviral clones. The distribution is normal (p = 0.92) and the blue curve is the best normal distribution fitted to the data. Inset: boxplot of the β-hexosaminidase release of 48 retroviral clones compared to 11 mock-transfected RBL-3H2 clones. **: p<0.01 (Student t-test). Boxplot whiskers extend to the most extreme data point that is no more than 1.5 times the interquartile range. c) VH sequence evolution during retroviral selection followed by high throughput sequencing. All: frequency of the 6789 VH sequences present in the four sequenced pools. Selected: enrichment of the 125 DNA sequences (62 different CDR3 in amino acid) forming the 10 selected families (Fig. S4 & S5). Boxplot whiskers extend to the most extreme data point.