Figure 5. Similar conformations for the pore-lining helix bundles of channels that are either not or only distantly related.
(a) Superposition of the TM2 helices of desensitized ASIC1a in blue (PDB 3HGC) and apo P2X4 receptor in red (PDB 4DW0). Segments in grey were excluded from superposition. (b) Superposition of the TM2 helices of NaK channel in blue (PDB 2AHY) and TM3 helices of AMPA-subtype iGluR in red (PDB 3KG2), both in the closed state. (c) Superposition of the TM2 helices of locally closed GLIC in blue (PDB 3TLS) and the transmembrane helices of T-state phospholamban in red (PDB 2KYV).