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. 2014 Aug;15(4):293–309. doi: 10.2174/1389202915666140616233211

Table 2.

Summary of NGS projects analyzing food-associated microbiotas, including working conditions and major findings.

Food sample/source Sequencing project Amplicon length (bp) Sequencing platform Taxonomic resolution Database useda Major findings Reference
Material of plant origin
Table olives fermentation V1-V3 16S rDNA and cDNA >250 454FLX Genus/
NCIB nr Agreement for the DNA and RNA data; high level of halophilic bacteria at the beginning of fermentation; Lactobacillus spp. at the end [40]
Wine made from botrytized grapes Separate V4 and V5 16S rDNA >150 Illumina Family/
RDP Similar community structure with V4 and V5 amplicons; Acetobacteriaceae and Proteobacteria dominant organisms [48]
Ray and wheat sourdough fermentation V1-V3 16S rDNA and cDNA >300 454FLX Genus/
RDP Grain-associated bacteria do not progress in dough, except for E. coli; Weissella, Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc dominate the fermentation [51]
Fermentation of African pearl millets V3 16S rDNA >180 454 FLX Genus RDP Weissella, Pediococcus and Lactobacillus were the only genera after 24 h of fermentation; high intersample variability [89]
“Cheonggukjang” fermentation V1-V2 16S rDNA >300 454 FLX Genus SILVA Bacillus spp. dominates the fermentation, but the actual majority species was different in different samples [91]
Korean soybean pastes V1-V2 16S rDNA >300 454 FLX Genus SILVA High diversity in different brands; Bacillus spp. dominant in a majority of products; LAB species occasionally dominant [92]
“Kochujang” fermentation V1-V2 16S rDNA >300 454 FLX Genus SILVA Bacillus spp. dominates the fermentation, but the actual majority species was different in different samples [93]
Ten kinds of “kimchi” V1-V3 16S rDNA >300 454 FLX Genus/
ExTaxon database Bacteria diversity and richness varied highly and depended on the type of “kimchi” [94]
Fermented shrimp, kimchi and sauerkraut V1-V3 16S rDNA, total DNA >300
454 FLX Genus RDP Viral and hosts communities; discrepancy on phage hosts via homology comparison and rDAN sequencing [94]
Fermentation of “kimchi” Total DNA na 454 FLX Species RDP and MG-RAST Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus and Weissella dominant organisms; Leuc. mesenteroides and Lb. sakei genomes highly represented; phage-related sequences [95]
Winery-associated microbiota before, during and after harvest V4 16S and ITS1 from rDNA of bacteria and fungi >150 Illumina Family/
Greengenes and UNITE Saccharomyces colonized winery surfaces; microbial communities were dependent on the production context at each site, shaped by technological practices, processing stage and season [106]
Cocoa bean fermentation Total DNA na 454 FLX Species RDP and NCBI nr Complex fermentation including bacteria (Acetobacter pasteurianus and Lb. fermentum) and yeasts Hansenulla uvarum, Hansenulla opuntiae and Saccharomyces cerevisieae) [111]
Fermented sushi (“narezushi”) V1-V2 16S rDNA >300 454 FLX Genus RDP Species of Lactobacillus and Pediococcus always present; occasional presence of genera of LAB and other bacterial groups [113]
Fermented rice brand mash (“nukadoko”) V6-V8 16S rDNA >400 454 FLX Genus/
RDP Rice-associated bacteria are replace by Lb. namurensis, Lb. acetotolerans, and some other Lactobacillus during fermentation [114]
American coolship ale beer fermentation V4 16S rDNA >150 Illumina Family/
Greengenes Initial Enterobacteriaceae are overgrowth by LAB species though fermentation; Pediococcus spp. becomes dominant after few weeks [115]
Korean rice beer fermentation V1-V3 16S rDNA and ITS1 from bacteria and fungi >350 454 FLX Genus/
Genus Proteobacteria are replaced by LAB species through fermentation; amylolytic yeasts drive saccharification; alcohol-producing S. cerevisiae) dominate at the end of the fermentation [116]
Fermentation of medieval sushi (“kaburazushi”) V1-V2 16S rDNA >300 454 FLX Genus NCIB nr Bacillus and Staphylococcus are replaced by Lactobacillus through fermentation; Lb. sakei constitutes 80% of the microbiota. [117]
Milk and dairy products
Raw milk cheeses V3-V4 16S rDNA and cDNA nr 454 FLX Genus RDP Fate of starters and inoculated pathogens in cheese. Listeria innocua and Stap. aureus do not progress in cheese but E. coli does [39]
Brazilian kefir grains V3 16S rDNA >300 454 FLX Genus/
RDP Dominant species Lb. kefiranofaciens, Lb. kefiri, Lb. parakefiri; Acetobacter spp. in only one sample [49]
Pasteurized, cultured raw milk V3 16S rDNA >300 454 FLX Genus/
RDP S. thermophilus dominant organism; Lb. delbrueckii, Lb. helveticus, and Enterococcus spp. subdominant components [50]
Healthy and culture-negative mastitic milk V1-V2 16S rDNA >200 454 FLX Genus SILVA
Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Psychrobacter reads higher in milk from healthy udders; uncultured bacteria as causative agents in some mastitis [71]
Healthy and mastitic milk V1-V2 16S rDNA 250-500 454 FLX Genus RDP DNA sequences from recognized pathogens, from pathogens not associated with mastitis and from bacteria not known to be pathogens [96]
Irish kefir grain and associated kefir beverage V4 16S rDNA nr 454 FLX Genus/
RPD Lactobacillus spp., as majority organisms including Lb. kefiranofaciens, Lb. kefiri, Lb. parabuchneri, and Lb. helveticus. [97]
Danish raw milk cheeses made with starter cultures V3-V4 16S rDNA >200
454 FLX Genus RDP Streptococcus, Lactococcus and Lactobacillus constitute the largest groups; minor discrepancies between pyrosequencing and DGGE [98]
Oscypeck traditional PDO Polish cheese V5-V6 16S rDNA >150 454 FLX Genus SILVA Lactococcus spp. as dominant organism; presence of Bifidobacterium spp. and Enhydrobacter spp. Reads [99]
Milk, whey starters and Mozzarella cheese V1-V3 16S rDNA >200 454 FLX Genus/
RDP Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas spp. dominant in milk;
S. thermophilus, Lb. delbrueckii and Lb. helveticus in cheese.
Latin-style cheeses V1-V3 16S rDNA >200 454 FLX Genus/
RDP High bacterial diversity in different brands; presence of high numbers of Exiguobacteirum in one of the brands [101]
Artisanal Irish cheeses and associated cheese rinds V4 16S rDNA >150 454 FLX Genus NCBI nr Detection for the first time in cheese of Arthrobacter, Brachybacterium, Faecalibacterium, Helcococcus and Prevotella [100]
Artisan American cheeses V4 16S and ITS1 from rDNA and cDNA of bacteria and fungi >150 Illumina Family/
Greengenes and UNITE Debaryomyces and Lactococcus as dominant fungi and bacteria, respectively; similar microbial communities occupy the same type surfaces; facility-specific microorganisms [103]
Subclinical mastitic milk Total DNA na 454 FLX Species SEED Presence of E. coli, Pseudomonas mendocina, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae and their phages [107]
Industrial starter for Gouda cheese Genomes, total DNA na 454 FLX, Illumina Strain NCBI nr Metabolic complementation of starter components, Lc. Lactis and Leuc. mesenteroides; starter stability by “kill-the-winner”-phage dynamics [109]
Meat and fish products
“Jeotgal” (fermented fish and seafood products) V3 16S rRNA, archaea, bacteria >100 454 FLX Family Greengenes High microbial diversity, Halorobum, Alalkalicoccus, dominant archaeal genera; Weissella and Lactobacillus major LAB genera [47]
Packaging of beef meat V1-V3 16S rDNA 500 454 FLX Genus/
RDP Inhibition of Enterobacteriaceae by modified atmospheres; nisin-active vacuum packaging inhibited Brochrotys thermosphacta [105]
Marinated and unmarinated broiler meat V1-V3 16S rDNA, total DNA >250
454 FLX Family/
Carnobacteriaceae, Clostridiaceae, Entorococcaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, and Vibrionaceae more common in unmarinated meat samples [110]

RDP, Ribosomal Database Project; NCIB nr, National Center for Biotechnology Information non-redundant nucleotide database; MG-RAST, Meta Genome Rapid Annotation server based on Subsystem Technology; SILVA (quality-controlled database of aligned ribosomal RNA gene sequences); Greengenes (a chimera-checked 16S rRNA gene database); EzTaxon (a web-based tool for identification of prokaryotes based on 16S rDNA sequences).

nr, not reported.

na, not applicable.