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. 2014 Apr 17;173(9):1233–1244. doi: 10.1007/s00431-014-2311-9

Table 3.

Information of autistic children and their parents

Characteristics Value (%) p value
Autism Control
Maternal characteristics
 Age at pregnancy (years)
  <30 51.5 65.4 0.05
  30–35 37.6 29.7
  >35 10.9 4.9
 Occupation (%)
  Housewife 58.4 50.2 0.12
  Working mother 41.6 49.8
 Education (%)
  Tertiary education 36.7 38.2 0.35
  Secondary school 39.2 34.3
  Primary school 24.1 27.5
 Medical history
  Caught a cold during the 1st trimester 16.8 14.9
  Mental illness 4.9 0
Paternal characteristics
 Smoking (%) 60.2 62.1 0.25
 Alcohol consumption (%) 74.5 70.1
 Mental illness (%) 1.8 0.9
Family characteristics
 Monthly income (%)
  >10,000 30.5 34.2 0.08
  5,000–10,000 36.8 35.3
  3,000–<5,000 22.1 21.0
  <3,000 10.6 9.5
Child characteristics
 Gestational weeks (%)
  <37 21.8 11.9 0.04
  37–40 68.3 80.2
  >40 9.9 7.9
 Apgar score at 5 min (%)
  8–10 83.2 96.5 0.03
  4–7 16.8 3.5
 Length of breast feeding
  <4 months 21.1 19.7 0.06
  4–6 months 42.3 38.9
  >6 months 36.6 41.4
 Child raised by
  Parents 12.9 20.8 0.03
  Grandparents 59.4 49.5
  Nanny 27.7 29.7
 Daily TV time
  <1 h 39.6 50.5 0.04
  1–2 h 32.7 29.7
  >2 h 27.7 19.8
 Medication (%)
  Ritalin 20.8 0 0.04
  Risperdal 7.9 0
  No specific medication 71.3 100