Fig. 2.
Statistical analysis of the WT cells under control condition (A–D) or 1.0mT magnetic field (E–H). (A) and (E) shows the distribution of instantaneous speed of run (green), reverse (blue) and tumble (red) and fitted by Gaussian curves (solid lines); the insets show the distributions of the angle between speed and magnetic field. The probability distribution of duration of run (B, F), reverse (C, G) and tumble (D, H) in the two cases are plotted. The solid lines are exponential fitting of the tail parts of the data. Insets are the same data plotted semi-log and fitted by linear: log10 y = λx + b (solid line), where decay rate λ and coefficient of determination R2 are given. The gray dashed lines in the inset of F–H are the exponential fit of B–D inset for comparison.