(A) Expression of S opsin follows a dorsal (low) to ventral (high) gradient in mouse retina. Images show immunostaining for S opsin (cyan) and cone-arrestin that labels all cones of an adult mouse retina (red)(Images by F. A. Dunn). D: dorsal, V: ventral, S: S opsin, M: M opsin.
(B) Several morphogens, transcription factors, hormones and nuclear hormone receptors contribute towards generating the gradients of opsin expression. Summarized are the spatial expression patterns of known factors. N.D. : not determined.
(C) Illustration of the action of known nuclear hormone receptors that could regulate M and S opsin expression in the mouse retina. (+) Promotes, (−) suppresses.
(Schematics in B and C summarized from Alfano et al., 2011; Fujieda et al., 2009; Koshiba-Takeuchi et al., 2000; McCaffery et al., 1992; Ng et al., 2001; Peters and Cepko, 2002; Roberts et al., 2005; Roberts et al., 2006; Satoh et al., 2009; Srinivas et al., 2006; Zhang and Yang, 2001).