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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: Psychother Res. 2014 Feb 17;25(2):185–213. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2014.883088

Table 1.

Neuroimaging studies of psychotherapy

Study Therapy Imaging Results
Buchheim 2012 (MDD) PSY, 15mo fMRI, pre, post Attachment picture with personal sentence task showed decreased activation in the left anterior hippocampus/amygdala, subgenual cingulate, and medial prefrontal cortex post-tx
Costafreda 2009 (MDD) CBT, 16wk sMRI, pre Predictor: no predictor of response to CBT tx
Dichter 2009 (MDD) BAT, 8–14wk fMRI, pre, post Reward processing task showed changes in paracingulate gyrus, orbitofrontal gyrus, and caudate post-tx
Dichter 2010 (MDD) BAT, 8–14wk fMRI, pre, post Cognitive control emotion processing task showed decreased activation in paracingulate gyrus, orbitofrontal cortex, and frontal pole post-tx; predictor: activation in paracingulate gyrus pre-tx predicted response to tx
Forbes 2010 (MDD) CBT, 8wk fMRI, pre Predictors: during reward processing task, increased striatal activity during reward anticipation predicted lower level of anxiety symptoms post-tx; increased striatal activity during reward outcome predicted better clinical severity post-tx
Fu 2008 (MDD) CBT, 16s fMRI, pre, post Sad facial processing task showed decreased amygdala and increased dorsal anterior cingulate activity post-tx. Predictor: increased dorsal anterior cingulate activity at baseline predicted greater improvement post-tx
Lehto 2008a (AtD, NAtD) PSY, 12mo SPECT, pre, post Midbrain serotonin transporter density increased post-tx in AtD; striatum dopamine transporter density did not change post-tx
Lehto 2008b (MDD, DD) PSY, 1yr SPECT, pre, post Midbrain serotonin and striatum dopamine transporter binding did not change post-tx
Mackin 2013 (LLD) PST, 12wk sMRI, during tx Nonresponders showed decreased cortical thickness in multiple regions in comparison with tx responders
Ritchey 2011 (MDD) CBT, 30wk fMRI, pre, post Predictors: emotion processing tasks at baseline showed that increased activation in ventromedial prefrontal cortex (overall contrast), and in left anterior temporal lobe/ventrolateral prefrontal and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortices (negative versus positive emotion contrast), predicted greater improvement post-tx
Siegle 2006 (MDD) CBT, 12wk fMRI, pre Predictor: during negative word emotion task, lower subgenual cingulate and higher right amygdala activity predicted better response to tx
Siegle 2012 (MDD) CBT, 16–20s fMRI, pre, post Predictor: during negative word emotion task at baseline, lower subgenual anterior cingulate activation predicted better response to tx
Yoshimura 2013 (MDD) CBT, 12wk fMRI, pre, post Self-referential processing task showed increased activation for positive stimuli
or decreased activation for negative stimuli in the medial prefrontal and ventral anterior cingulate cortices
Brody 2001a (MDD) (B, F, K, L, R) IPT, 12wk PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism in right prefrontal cortex and left anterior cingulate gyrus decreased post-tx; in left temporal lobe resting metabolism increased post-tx
Brody 2001b (MDD) (R) IPT, 12wk PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism in ventral frontal lobe, ventral anterior cingulate gyrus, and anterior insula decreased with improved mood; in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex resting metabolism increased with improved cognition
Goldapple 2004 (MDD) (B,F,K,L,R) CBT,15–20s PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism increased in hippocampus and dorsal cingulate and decreased in dorsal, medial, and ventral frontal cortex post-tx
Hirvonen 2011 (MDD) PSY, 16wk PET, pre, post Dopamine receptor binding did not change in striatum or thalamus post-tx
Karlsson 2010 (MDD) PSY, 16wk PET, pre, post Serotonin receptor binding increased post-tx
Kennedy 2007 (MDD) CBT, 16wk PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism decreased in bilateral lateral orbitofrontal, left dorsomedial prefrontal, posterior cingulate, and right thalamus; increased in subgenual cingulate, right inferior occipital and occipital-temporal, and left inferior temporal regions post-tx
Konarski 2009 (MDD) CBT, 16wk PET-FDG, pre Predictor: increased resting metabolism in the pregenual/subgenual anterior cingulate region predicted nonresponse to tx
McGrath 2013 (MDD) CBT, 12wk PET-FDG, pre Predictors: in the right anterior insula, decreased resting metabolism predicted remission after CBT treatment while increased metabolism predicted remission after escitalopram pharmacotherapy
Amsterdam 2013 (MDD) CBT, 12wk SPECT, pre, post Serotonin transporter binding increased in bilateral medial temporal lobes post-tx
Martin 2001(MDD) (B, F, K, L, R) IPT, 16wk SPECT, pre, 6wk Resting blood flow in right basal ganglia and posterior cingulate increased at 6 weeks of tx
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Nakatani 2003 (F, K, L, R) BT, variable CT-Xe, pre, post Resting blood flow in right caudate decreased post-tx
Freyer 2011 CBT, 8–12wk fMRI, pre, post Strategy switching task showed increased activation in right putamen and caudate post-tx; smaller changes in right pallidum post-tx correlated with greater clinical improvement
Hoexter 2012 CBT, 12wk sMRI, pre, post Orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate, temporolimbic, striatum or thalamus regional volumes did not show changes post-tx
Hoexter 2013 CBT, 12wk sMRI, pre Predictor: larger volume in right medial prefrontal predicted response to tx
Huyser 2010 (child) CBT, 16s fMRI, pre, post Tower of London task showed increased activation in left dorsolateral prefrontal and parietal cortices post-tx
Nabeyama 2008 BT, 12wk fMRI, pre, post Stroop task showed increased activation in cerebellum and parietal cortex and decreased activation in orbitofrontal cortex, middle frontal gyrus, and temporal regions post-tx
Nakao 2005 (K, L) BT, 12wk fMRI, pre, post Provocation task showed decreased activation in orbitofrontal, dorsolateral prefrontal, and anterior cingulate cortices post-tx; Stroop task showed increased activation in cerebellum and parietal cortex post-tx
O’Neill 2012 (child) CBT, 12wk 1H-MRS, pre, post Predictors: baseline N-acetyl compounds, glutamine and glutamate, and myo- inositol levels in left thalamus predicted response to tx
O’Neill 2013 CBT, 4wk 1H-MRS, pre, post Predictors: baseline N-acetyl compounds in right pregenual anterior cingulate cortex predicted response to tx
Whiteside 2012a BT, 8wk 1H-MRS, pre, post Increased N-acetyl aspartate in left caudate post-tx; changes in levels of many neurochemicals correlated with changes in symptom measures
Whiteside 2012b (child) BT, 10–18s 1H-MRS, pre, post Decreased glutamine and glutamate levels in right caudate post-tx
Zurowski 2012 inCBT, 3 mo 1H-MRS, pre, post Predictor: myo-inositol in right orbitofrontal cortex predicted response to tx
Apostolova 2010 CBT, 40s PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism in right caudate increased post-tx
Baxter 1992 (F, K, L, R) BT, 10wk PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism in right caudate decreased post-tx
Brody 1998 (R) BT, 8–12wk PET-FDG, pre Predictor: higher resting metabolism in left orbitofrontal cortex predicted greater response to tx
Saxena 2009 CBT, 4wk PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism decreased bilaterally in thalami and increased in right dorsal anterior cingulate post-tx
Schwartz 1996 (B, F, K, L, R) CBT, 10wk PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism in bilateral caudate decreased post-tx
Yamanishi 2009 BT, 12wk SPECT, pre, post Predictor: increased blood flow in bilateral orbitofrontal cortex at baseline predicted greater response to tx
Bor 2011 CRT, 7wk fMRI, pre, post Spatial n-back task showed increased activation in left inferior and middle frontal gyri, cingulate, inferior parietal lobule/precuneus post-tx
Eack 2010 CET, 2yr sMRI, pre, post Increased volumes in left hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, fusiform gyrus, and amygdala post-tx
Haut 2010 REM, 4–6wk fMRI, pre, post Working memory tasks showed increased activation in bilateral frontopolar, anterior cingulate, and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex regions post-tx
Keshavan 2011 CET, 2yr sMRI, pre Predictor: larger cortical surface area and gray matter volume predicted faster social cognitive response to tx
Kumari 2009 CBT, 6–8mo fMRI, fcMRI, pre Predictors: during working memory task, increased activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and increased dorsolateral prefrontal cortex-cerebellum connectivity predicted better response to CBT
Kumari 2010 CBT, 6–8mo fMRI, pre Predictors: during monitoring of voices task, increased activation in left inferior frontal gyrus, thalamus, and precuneus predicted better response to tx; decreased deactivation in inferior parietal and medial prefrontal regions predicted better response to tx
Kumari 2011 CBT, 6–8mo fMRI, pre, post Facial anger and fear emotions task showed decreased activation in inferior frontal, insula, thalamus, putamen, and occipital regions post-tx
Penades 2013 CRT, 4m fcMRI, DTI, pre, post N-back test showed normalization of activation patterns in the central executive and default mode networks post-tx; increased fractional anisotropy in genu of the corpus callosum post-tx
Premkumar 2009 CBT, 6–8m sMRI, pre Predictors: increased gray matter volumes of right cerebellum (lobule VII), inferior parietal lobule, superior temporal gyrus, left precentral gyrus, cuneus, and cerebellum (Crus I) predicted response to tx
Wykes 2002 (R) CRT, 12wk fMRI, pre, post Verbal working memory task showed increased activation in frontal and occipital regions post-tx
Penades 2002 (R) NPR, 12wk SPECT, pre, post Tower of London task showed increased blood flow in prefrontal regions post-tx
Other conditions
Beutel 2010 (Panic) inPSY, 4wk fMRI, pre, post Negative emotion tasks showed increased activation in amygdala and hippocampus and decreased activation in prefrontal regions pre-tx that normalized post-tx
Bryant 2008a (PTSD) CBT, 8s fMRI, pre Predictor: during facial expression of fear task, increased activation in amygdala and ventral anterior cingulate regions predicted poor response to tx
Bryant 2008b (PTSD) CBT,8wk sMRI, pre Predictor: larger rostral anterior cingulate cortex predicted response to tx
DeGreck 2011 (Somato) inPSY, 60d fMRI, pre, post Rewarding versus nonrewarding task activations normalized in left postcentral gyrus and right ventroposterior thalamus post-tx
DeLange 2008 (CFS) CBT, 6–9mo sMRI, pre, post Grey matter volume in lateral prefrontal cortex increased post-tx
DeVito 2012 (SUD) CBT, 8wk fMRI, pre, post Stroop task showed decreased activation in anterior cingulate, inferior frontal gyrus, and midbrain post-tx
Doehrmann 2013 (SAD) CBT, 12 wk fMRI, pre Predictors: during facial and emotion processing task, increased activity in dorsal and ventral occipitotemporal cortices predicted response to tx
Felmingham 2007 (PTSD) (F, K) CBT, 8wk fMRI, pre, post Fear processing task showed increased activation in rostral anterior cingulate activity and decreased activation in right amygdala post-tx
Han 2012 (OLG addiction) family tx, 3 wk fMRI, pre, post Parental love visual stimulation task showed increased activation in right caudate nucleus post-tx
Hauner 2012 (Ph-spider) exposure tx, 1s fMRI, pre, post, 6mo Spider image viewing task showed increased activation in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and decreased activation in amygdala, insula, cingulate, and ventromedial prefrontal cortex post-tx; decreased activation in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and bilateral fusiform/lingual gyrus regions 6 months post-tx. Predictors: right lingual gyrus activation during the spider image viewing task immediately post-tx predicted response to tx after 6 months
Jensen 2012 (Fibromy) ACT, 12wk fMRI, fcMRI, pre, post Pain task showed increased activation in left inferior frontal gyrus post-tx; increased ventrolateral prefrontal–thalamic connectivity post-tx
Kircher 2013 (Panic) CBT, 12s fMRI, fcMRI, pre, post Fear conditioning task showed decreased activation in left inferior frontal gyrus post-tx; task based functional connectivity did not show changes post-tx
Klumpp 2013 (SAD) CBT, 12wk fMRI, pre, post Predictors: during a fearful face emotion task pre-tx, activations in superior and middle temporal and inferior frontal gyri, dorsal anterior cingulate, dorsomedial prefrontal and orbitofrontal regions predicted response to tx
Lindauer 2005 (PTSD) BEP, 4mo sMRI, pre, post Hippocampal volumes showed no change after tx
Maslowsky 2010 (GAD) CBT, 8wk fMRI, pre, post Facial emotions task showed increased right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activity post-tx
Mohr 2012 (MS) SMT, 24wk GdMRI, pre, 24wk post Gd enhancing brain lesions decreased during tx, but not sustained post-tx
Paquette 2003 (Ph-spider) (B, F, K, L, R) CBT, 4wk fMRI, pre, post Spider film viewing task showed decreased activation in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus post-tx
Pardini 2012 (Autism) CT, BT, AAC, 6yr DTI-MRI Increased uncinate fasiculus fractional anisotropy correlated with more tx
Schienle 2007 (Ph-spider) CBT, 1s fMRI, pre, post Spider image viewing task showed increased activation in medial orbitofrontal cortex post-tx; symptom reduction correlated with decreased activations in right amygdala and left insula.
Schienle 2009 (Ph-spider) CBT, 1s fMRI, pre, 6 mo post Spider image viewing task showed increased activation in medial orbitofrontal cortex at 6 months post-tx
Schnell 2007 (BPD) (K) inDBT, 12wk fMRI, pre, post Emotion arousal task showed decreased activation in left amygdala and bilateral hippocampi post-tx
Siniatchkin 2012 (ADHD) RCT, 10d fMRI, pre, post Go/No-go task showed increased activation in anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex regions post-tx
Straube 2006 (Ph-spider) (B, F, K, L) CBT, 2s fMRI, pre, post Spider film viewing task showed decreased activation in insula and anterior cingulate cortex post-tx
Van Paasschen 2013(AD) CR, 8wk fMRI, pre, post Face-name recognition task showed increased activation in bilateral insula, left middle frontal and right angular gyri post-tx
Vocks 2011 (eating) CBT, 10wk fMRI, pre, post Body image viewing task showed increased activation in left middle temporal and bilateral middle frontal gyri post-tx
Cervenka 2012 (SAD) CBT, 15wk PET, pre, post Greater change in dopamine receptor binding potential in medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus correlated with decreased anxiety post-tx
Förster 2011 (MCI, AD) CI, 6mo PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism showed less decline post-tx in comparison with controls
Furmark 2002 (Ph-social) (F, K, L, R) CBT, 9wk PET-H20, pre, post Public speaking task showed decreased blood flow in bilateral amygdala hippocampus, and surrounding regions post-tx
Praško 2004 (Panic) (B, F, K, L) CBT, 3 mo PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism increased in left brain but decreased in right brain regions
Sakai 2006 (Panic) (K) CBT, 6mo PET-FDG, pre, post Resting metabolism decreased in right hippocampus and left anterior cingulate, cerebellum, pons post-tx; increased in bilateral medial prefrontal cortex post-tx
Laatsch 1999 (TBI) (R) CRhT, 6–36s SPECT, pre, end, 3–12mo post Resting blood flow in multiple regions increased post tx
Lindauer 2008 (PTSD) BEP, 16wk SPECT, pre, post Personal trauma script listening task showed decreased activation in the right middle frontal gyrus post-tx
Peres 2007 (PTSD) exposure tx, 8wk SPECT, pre, post Memory retrieval task showed increased activation in bilateral parietal and left prefrontal, thalamus, and hippocampus regions, and decreased activation in left amygdala post-tx

Notes. Neuroimaging studies of psychotherapy treatments. Study. First author of each study is given. Note is made if the study was included in reviews by (B) Beauregard (2007), (F) Frewen et al. (2008), (K) Karlsson (2011), (L) Linden (2006), (R) Roffman et al. (2005). (Child) = pediatric study. (Conditions): AD = Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD=attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, AtD = atypical depression, BPD = borderline personality disorder, CFS = chronic fatigue syndrome, DD = double depression, fibromy = fibromyalgia, GAD = generalized anxiety disorder, LLD= late life depression, MCI = mild cognitive impairment, MDD = unipolar depression, major depression, major depressive disorder, MS = multiple sclerosis, NAtD = Non atypical depression, OLG addiction = on-line game addiction, Ph = phobia, PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder, SAD = social anxiety disorder, somato = somatoform disorder, SUD = substance use disorder, TBI = traumatic brain injury. Therapy. In = in-patient therapy; d = days, mo = months, s = sessions, wk = weeks, yr = years. AAC = augmentative and alternative communication therapy, ACT = acceptance and commitment therapy, BAT = behavioral activation therapy, BEP = brief eclectic psychotherapy, BT = behavioral therapy, CBT = cognitive or cognitive behavioral therapy, CET = cognitive enhancement therapy, CI = cognitive intervention, CR = cognitive rehabilitation, CRhT = cognitive rehabilitation therapy, CRT= cognitive remediation therapy, DBT = dialectic behaior therapy, IPT = interpersonal therapy, NPR = neuropsychological rehabilitation, PST = problem solving therapy, PSY = psychodynamic psychotherapy, RCT = response cost and token approach, REM = cognitive remediation training, SMT = stress management therapy. Imaging. CT-Xe = xenon enhanced computed tomography, DTI-MRI = diffusion tensor imaging magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI = functional MRI, fcMRI = functional connectivity MRI, GdMRI = gadolinium enhanced MRI, 1H-MRS = proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, PET = positron emission tomography, PET-FDG = PET fluorodeoxyglucose, sMRI = structural MRI, SPECT = single photon emission computed tomography. Pre = scans conducted before therapy; post = scans conducted at or immediately after the end of therapy; specified length of time indicates longer-term follow-up scans. Results. A few examples of results from each study are presented.