Co-cultured synovial fibroblasts suppress the macrophage IFN signature induced by TNF. (A–B) Human macrophages (Mϕ) and RA synovial fibroblasts (Fib) cultured alone or together (Mϕ + Fib) and stimulated with TNF for 16 h were analyzed for mRNA levels by qPCR. Genes analyzed are listed above each graph. Gene expression values represent the mean of 4 experiments; error bars represent standard error (SE). In each experiment, macrophages were derived from a unique blood donor and the synovial fibroblasts were generated from a unique patient, such that n=4 for both cell types. The amount of transcript was normalized to GAPDH levels in the sample and all samples for a given gene are shown relative to the TNF-induced macrophage monoculture sample, which was set to 100. The mean level of mRNA encoded by the indicated genes relative to the internal standard GAPDH mRNA (% of GAPDH) in the TNF-induced samples was: CXCL9, 10%; CXCL10, 600%; IFIT1, 60%; MX1, 50%; NKG7, 1%; CXCL5, 750%; IL1B, 40%. **<p=0.001; NS, no significance.