Table 2.
Criteria for study inclusion/exclusion.
Inclusion criteria | Exclusion criteria |
(1) Statins were administered. | (1) Statins were not administered. |
(2) Experimental TBI was induced in rodents. | (2) No control group was used. |
(3) Cognitive function was measured by the MWM. | (3) Nonimpact (e.g., cortical ablation) or penetrating (e.g., missile-induced) TBI was performed. |
(4) Male rodents (i.e., rats or mice) were used. | (4) Treatment group was administered another neuroprotective agent in addition to a statin. |
(5) Article was published in English or Chinese language. | (5) Other types of animals (e.g., sheep, cats, and dogs) were used. |
(6) A TBI treatment group was treated with a pharmacological agent, and a control group was administered a placebo after injury. | (6) Only biochemical or physiological outcomes of treatment efficacy were assessed. |
(7) Samples included female rodents. | |
(8) Duplicate publications. |