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. 2014 Sep;58(9):5191–5201. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02626-14


Strains and plasmids

Plasmid or strain Genotypea Reference or source
    pSET152 E. coli-Streptomyces shuttle vector; lacZα oriT; pUC replicon, ΦC31 attB-int; Aprr 32
    pST30 Integrative plasmid pSET152 containing the resistance genes vanHatAatXat from Actinoplanes teichomyceticus 34
    pSET152Y Integrative plasmid pSET152 containing the resistance gene vanYn This work
    pRT802 pRT801 derived, ΦBT1 attB-int; Kanr 33
    pRT802Y Integrative plasmid pRT802 containing the resistance gene vanYn This work
    pIJ86 oriT RK2, ermEp*, rep pIJ101, Aprr 21
    pIJ86Y Multicopy plasmid pIJ86 containing the resistance gene vanYn under the constitutive ermE* promoter 21
Escherichia coli strains
    DH5α F ϕ80lacZΔM15 Δ(lacZYA-argF)U169 recA1 endA1 hsdR17(rK mK+) phoA supE44 thi-1 gyrA96 relA1 λ 26
    ET12567 DNA methylation-deficient host, dam dcm hsdM hsdS hsdR cat tet 27
    ET12567/pUZ8002 Derived from the methylation-defective strain ET12567 carrying plasmid pUZ8002 28
Nonomuraea sp. strains
    ATCC 39727 (wild type) Producer of the glycopeptide A40926; vanYn is located in the A40926 biosynthetic cluster dbv 20
    Strain carrying pSET152 Wild-type strain with pSET152 inserted in the ΦC31 attB site; Aprr This work
    Strain carrying pST30 Wild-type strain with the integrative pST30 containing the resistance genes vanHatAatXat from A. teichomyceticus This work
    Strain carrying pSET152Y Wild-type strain with pST152Y inserted in the ΦC31 attB site; Aprr This work
    Strain carrying pRT802 Wild-type strain with pRT802 integrated in the ΦBT1 attB site; Kanr This work
    Strain carrying pRT802Y Wild-type strain with pRT802Y integrated in the ΦBT1 attB site; Kanr This work
    Strain carrying pIJ86 Wild-type strain with the multicopy pIJ86; Aprr This work
    Strain carrying pIJ86Y Wild-type strain with pIJ86Y; Aprr This work
    ΔvanYn strain vanYn-null mutant, sensitive to glycopeptides; Aprr 21
    ΔvanYn-pRT802 strain ΔvanYn mutant with pRT802; Aprr Kanr This work
    ΔvanYn-pRT802Y strain ΔvanYn mutant with pRT802Y to complement the deletion; Aprr Kanr This work

Apr, apramycin; Kan, kanamycin.