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. 2014 Aug;52(8):2971–2976. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00899-14


Characteristics associated with specific pathogens and idiopathic NGU

Characteristica No. (%) of participantsb
P value (x2)
C. trachomatis (n = 401) M. genitalium (n = 134) Idiopathic (n = 772)
Age in yrs
    ≤31 201 (50) 62 (46) 396 (51)
    >31 200 (50) 72 (54) 376 (49) 0.56
MSP in the previous 3 mo
    0 303 (81) 97 (78) 418 (60)
    ≥1 73 (19) 27 (22) 282 (40) <0.001
FSP in the previous 3 mo
    0 67 (18) 23 (19) 270 (39)
    ≥1 308 (82) 101 (82) 430 (61) <0.001
100% condom use for vaginal/anal sex in the previous 3 mo
    No 321 (88) 103 (85) 479 (74)
    Yes 45 (12) 18 (15) 167 (26) <0.001
Nonanal/nonvaginal sexual activity in the previous 3 mo
    No 355 (95) 118 (94) 604 (88)
    Yes 19 (5) 8 (6) 79 (12) 0.002

MSP, male sexual partner; FSP, female sexual partner.


Missing data comprises ≤8% of data for each variable and has been excluded in calculation of percentages.