MTBDRsl patterns versus gyrA mutations detected by DNA sequencing among 25 of the 32 DNA extracts, by WHO patient category
Type of patienta | gyrA MTBDRsl patternb | gyrA sequencing data, codons, and amino acid (nucleotide) substitutions | No. (%) detected |
Cat. 4 | ΔWT3 plus MUT3C | 94Gly (GGC) | 2 (8) |
ΔWT2 plus ΔWT3 plus MUT3C | 80Ala (GCC), 90Gly (GGG), 94Gly (GGC) | 1 (4) | |
MUT3A plus MUT3C | 94Ala (GCC) | 1 (4) | |
Cat. 2 | MUT3A | 94Tyr (TAC), 94Ala (GCC) | 1 (4) |
MUT3A | 80Ala (GCC), 90Gly (GGG), 94Ala (GCC) | 1 (4) | |
ΔWT2 | 80Ala (GCC), 90Gly (GGG) | 9 (36) | |
ΔWT2 | WTc | 1 (4) | |
Cat. 1 | ΔWT2 plus MUT1 | 90Val (GTG) | 1 (4) |
ΔWT2 plus MUT1 | 80Ala (GCC), 90Val (GTG) | 1 (4) | |
ΔWT2 plus MUT2 | 91Pro (CCG) | 1 (4) | |
ΔWT2 | 80Ala (GCC), 90Gly (GGG) | 4 (16) | |
ΔWT2 | 80Ala (GCC), 90Arg (AGG) | 1 (4) | |
ΔWT2 | WT | 1 (4) |
Cat. 1, 2, and 4, WHO patient categories of recurrences after first-line primary treatment, first-line re-treatment, and second-line treatment, respectively.
ΔWT, omission of the respective wild-type band.
WT, only wild-type DNA detected.