Pearson correlations of HOMA-IR with IMTG, sphingolipid, diacylglycerol, and long chain acyl CoA content in lean (black circles), class I obese (gray circles) and class II&III obese (white circles) subjects. Pearson correlation of HOMA-IR with; Total IMTG content (Panel A), IMTG content in type I fibers (Panel B), IMTG content in type II fibers (Panel C), Total sphingolipid content (Panel D), Total diacylglycerol content (CII&III; n = 15, CI; n = 7; L; n = 8) (Panel E), and Total long chain acyl CoA content (CII&III; n = 6 CI; n = 6; L; n = 8) (Panel F).