Figure 5.
ATP-competitive inhibitors regulate the dephosphorylation of pTyr527. (A) Experimental schematic of SFK dephosphorylation. Hck was radiolabeled by Csk phosphorylation ((32P)pTyr527) with γ32P-ATP. Phosphorylation was then blocked by the addition of inhibitor. PTP1b was then added to the 32P-labeled SFK-inhibitor complex. Loss of radioactive signal was measured over time. (B) 32P-labeled pTyr527 HckY416F was incubated with PTP1b in the presence of 1, 2, or 5, and the decrease in phosphorylated Hck was measured at 15 and 30 min (mean ± SEM, n = 3). *** p < 0.001.