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. 2014 Jul 8;57(15):6594–6609. doi: 10.1021/jm5006176

Table 5. Data Collection and Refinement Statistics.

crystal parameters  
space group P1
cell dimensions  
a (Å) 40.0
b (Å) 40.9
c (Å) 48.9
α (deg) 94.6
β (deg) 109.2
γ (deg) 110.0
data collection  
resolution range (Å) 50.0–2.1
no. of unique reflections 12808
completeness (%) 82.3
redundancy 2.5
Rmergea 0.071
resolution range (Å) 50.0–2.5
no. of reflections used (F ≥ 2.0δ (F)) 8843
completeness (%) 94.9
no. of protein atoms 2219
no. of inhibitors 1
Rworkb/Rfreec 18.7/22.1
rms deviations from ideal geometry  
bond length (Å) 0.0079
bond angle (deg) 1.33

Rmerge = ∑hi|I(h)i – ⟨I(h)⟩|/∑hiI(h)i.


Rwork = ∑h|F(h)calcdF(h)obsd|/∑hF(h)obsd, where F(h)calcd and F(h)obsd were the refined calculated and observed structure factors, respectively.


Rfree was calculated for a randomly selected 3.9% of the reflections that were omitted from refinement.