Fig. 1.
Illustration of our procedure using an example neuron. A, E, and I: dot rasters to binaural (red) and contralateral ear (blue) stimulation as a function of azimuth. Corresponding polar plots: firing rate [vector strength (VS); B, F, and J], synchrony to the envelope (C, G, and K), and neural modulation gain (D, H, and L). 0° and 180° are the azimuth position of the sound source directly in front of and in back of the rabbit, respectively; −90° the azimuth position facing the ear contralateral to the recording site; and 90° the azimuth position facing the ear ipsilateral to the recording site. The 3 rows represent the responses in the anechoic (A–D), moderately reverberant (E–H), and highly reverberant (I–L) environments. Best frequency = 12.6 kHz, carrier = 1-octave band noise centered at best frequency, modulation frequency = 128 Hz, modulation depth = 100%, level = 40 dB SPL, sound source distance = 80 cm.