Fig. 12.
A: ratio of the weighted synchrony in the contralateral sound field to that in the ipsilateral sound field to binaural stimulation for matched neurons in the anechoic and 2 reverberant environments. B: same for contralateral ear stimulation. To be included in our analysis, neurons must have significant synchrony to the envelope at 1 or more azimuthal positions. This also applies to all subsequent figures. Binaural stimulation: anechoic (n = 76) and moderate reverberation (n = 62); anechoic (n = 41) and high reverberation (n = 34). Contralateral ear stimulation: anechoic (n = 62) and moderate reverberation (n = 52); anechoic (n = 33) and high reverberation (n = 24). Sound source distance = 80 cm.