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Table 3. Average positive response rates among Oman, USA, Taiwan, and Lebanon cohorts.

Patient safety culture composite Average % positive response
Oman study USA study Taiwan study Lebanon
Score Score p value* Score p value* Score p value*
1. Teamwork within units 83% 78% 0.372 94% 0.015 82% 0.852
2. Supervisor/manager expectations & actions promoting patient safety 60% 74% 0.035 83% <0.001 66% 0.380
3. Management support for patient safety 67% 69% 0.762 62% 0.460 78% 0.082
4. Organizational learning – continuous improvement 84% 69% 0.012 84% 1.000 78% 0.279
5. Overall perception of patient safety 53% 63% 0.152 65% 0.084 72% 0.006
6. Feedback and communication about error 62% 62% 1.000 59% 0.664 68% 0.374
7. Communication openness 54% 61% 0.317 58% 0.569 57% 0.669
8. Frequency of events reporting 65% 59% 0.382 57% 0.246 68% 0.653
9. Teamwork across units 64% 57% 0.311 72% 0.225 56% 0.248
10. staffing 30% 55% <0.001 39% 0.181 37% 0.294
11. Hand-offs and transitions 44% 45% 0.887 48% 0.570 50% 0.395
12. Non-punitive response to error 25% 43% 0.007 45% 0.003 24% 0.869
Average positive response rate 58% 61% 0.666 64% 0.384 61% 0.666

p values were against Oman study and generated using Pearson’s chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests, wherever appropriate. USA and Taiwan’s average positive response rates were derived from the manuscript by Chen IC and Li HH; BMC Health Serv Res 2010;10:152 while Lebanon’s average positive response rates were extracted from the manuscript by El-Jardali et al; Int J Qual Health Care 2010;22:386-95.