Figure 9.
(a) In young (2-month-old) wt rats S100β + astrocytes are predominantly GFAP-negative; with the progression of NDP in (b) 18-month-old tgHD rats and (c) 24-month-old tgHD rats the main GFAP+ processes become coarser, albeit less branched, and the most distinct are their vascular end-feet (thickening of the perivascular membrane in form of “rings”); the number of not only S100β +/GFAP− but also S100β +/GFAP+ astrocytes increases primarily around the vessels; the coexpression is seen mainly within the thick astrocytic processes terminating by the end-feet on the vessel wall. Anti-GFAP (red) + anti-S100β (green) + DAPI (blue). Bar 20 μm.