Fig. 2.
GAF mediating the effect of unstable housing and employment on readmission to detoxification. Fig. 2 depicts the GAF score mediating the effect of unstable housing and employment on readmission. This figure graphically shows the relationship between unstable housing, employment, and the GAF score assigned by the clinician, which in turn is related to readmission. Unstable housing and employment (employed versus not employed) are bivariately associated with readmission (p-values ≤.01). These relationships become non-significant when the GAF score is included in the model. Unstable housing and employment are also associated with the GAF score (p-values ≤.001), which supports the GAF score as a mediator. Cox proportional hazard modeling was used to determine coefficients for the relationships between readmission with unstable housing and employment. Linear regression was used to determine the coefficients for the relationships between the GAF with unstable housing and employment.