Fig. 7.
RNAi knockdown of Croquemort transcript SCRBQ2 decreases the number of P. berghei oocysts in midguts of A. gambiae mosquitoes. The midguts of dsSCRBQ2- and GFP-injected (control) mosquitoes were dissected 12–15 days after a P. berghei infectious-blood meal to determine the number of oocysts in each midgut. The mean number of oocysts is shown with a horizontal line. There was a statistically significant reduction of 62.5% (p < 0.001, Mann–Whitney U test, two-tailed) in the number of oocysts observed in dsSCRBQ2-injected mosquitoes with respect to dsGFP-injected mosquitoes. Data was pooled from four independent biological replicates with a median infection ≥ 30 oocysts. A break and change in the scale of the vertical axis were made for clarity purposes.