Representative annotated MS/MS fragmentation spectra for five indicated MEK1-derived peptides containing oxidized residues a, MEK1H87 and MEK1M94
b, MEK1H100
d, MEK1M230 and e, MEK1H239 highlighted in red. The peak heights are the relative abundances of the corresponding fragmentation ions, with the annotation of the identified matched amino terminus-containing ions (b ions) in blue and the carboxyl terminus-containing ions (y ions) in red. For clarity, only the major identified peaks are labeled. f, Amino acid sequence of human MEK1 with the peptides identified by MS/MS underlined (red: trypsin digest and blue: chymotrypsin digest). Amino acids oxidized only in the presence of H2O2 in one to three independent MCO reactions are denoted in red. Amino acids, that when mutated to alanine reduced both binding of MEK1 to a Cu-charged resin and phosphorylation of cellular ERK2, are boxed (from Extended Data Fig. 3c).