Effect of ZO protein depletion on DbpA target genes and cell proliferation.
A, relative mRNA levels of DbpA target genes (cyclin-D1, PCNA, and ErbB2), as determined by qRT-PCR, in MDCK cells WT, ZO-1KD (clones ZO-1KD1, ZO-1KD2, and ZO-1KD3), ZO-2KD, ZO-3KD, and rescue, and double KD clones (dKD-1/2/3). B, percentage of cells positive for BrdU incorporation in proliferating cultures of MDCK cells WT, ZO-1KD (clones ZO-1KD1, ZO-1KD2, ZO-1KD3), ZO-2KD, ZO-3KD, and rescue clones, and double KD clones (dKD-1/2/3). The number of BrdU positive in wild-type cultures was taken as 100%.