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. 2014 Aug 20;9(8):e104956. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104956

Figure 2. milRNAs identified in this study.

Figure 2

A: Multiple sequence alignment of fox-milRNA precursors. Red sequences represent mature milRNAs and gray parts indicate low similarity. B: Secondary structures of fox-milRNA precursors. The red and blue sequences represent mature and star (milRNA*) sequences, respectively. C: Expression analysis of fox-milRNAs and small RNAs by RT-PCR experiments. Total RNA was extracted for seven-day-old mycelia and directly ligated with universal oligos at the 3′ end. After reverse transcription, specific forward primer and common reverse primer could detect a given small RNA. Small RNAs with high abundance are more apt to get positive results. Two bands of fox-milR-1 suggested that the precursor and mature sequences were both amplified and detected.