Figure 8.
Single axons made only a few axosomatic contacts on a single LG cell. (A) Termination patterns of GFP+ axons (black) on GAD67+ cells (blue) in the ipsilateral IC identified by bright-field double immunohistochemistry for GFP and GAD67. Some GABAergic cells were innervated by en passant varicosities (purple arrows) and the others were innervated by terminal boutons (red arrows). Note that a cell in the left-top is the same cell shown in Fig. 6A. (B, C) Three-dimensional reconstruction of GFP+ axons (red), GFP+/VGLUT2+ terminals (green), and LG neural cell bodies (blue) shown in Fig. 2C (ipsilateral) and 2E (contralateral). The axon in B made a terminal bouton on the LG cell body, while the axon in C made en passant contact. Arrows indicate the same axosomatic terminals shown in Fig. 2. Case 10-04. Scale bars: 20 µm (A) and 10 µm (B, C).